From Create Your Own Story
Choose Your Own Adventure is a wiki that contains stories where the reader assumes the role of the main character. In each page you choose how the story should progress. If you don't see an option that you would like to pursue, click the edit tab on the top of the page and add a new path to the page. Then you get to write in your own adventure for the hero.
We're currently running 123,459 articles.
Kid Stories
FOR ALL AGES:Please keep it G - PG. Please remove any other content that exceeds this.
Manga stories
For 12+: Please no adult content
Story | Veda G chapter one (manga adventure)
Normal Stories
FOR 10+: Please keep it G - PG-13. Please remove any content that exceeds this.
R-Rated Stories
Content normally found in R-rated movies, no adult content:
Adult Stories
FOR 18+: No limits to content.
Choose Your Destiny | (80+ pages)
Down The Rabbit Hole | (300+ pages)(Hail Eris!)
Hollywood Romp | (10+ pages)
Legend of the Trailer Park | (80+ pages)
Lonely Stallion in the Sweet Green Pastures | (2 pages)
Protectors | (3 pages)
The Quest For Treguards Treasure | (210+ pages)
Rampage | (10+ pages)
Smutty Sex Romp | (3700+ pages)
The Story of Jack Foster | (150+ pages)
Tree of Doom | (20+ pages)
University Daze | (100+ pages)
Victim | (50+ pages)
Adventure name/New option name
Page text here
Do you:
| #
| Equipment:
| #
| #
Starting Template
Copy and paste this for new pages:
Page text here
Do you:
*[[Adventure/Option 1]]
*[[Adventure/Option 2]]
*[[Adventure/Option 3]]
[[Category: name of story you're working on]]
The next to the last line here is the status indicator. The status indicator shown here is the basic status indicator. Different stories use different status indicators, and some use none at all. Look at the edit screen for the page you're starting from and copy that status indicator to the new page you're adding. Modify as necessary.
To edit a page
Just click the edit tab on the top of the page
To add an option
[[Adventure name/New option name]]
Options that appear red on the page have no content. Click the link, paste in the above template, and then add your own content.
- To make it easier to add a page. Copy the text from the previous page into the current page
- Use images for equipment. It makes things more real. Do a google image search for small images and then add the url for the image in the equipment list. The image will show up when you save. Try to use the original image url and not the cached google image url.
People have a tendency to create branches where the character dies. To prevent the story from being just a tree with all dead ends:
- for each page where you kill the character, you must create at least 2 pages (with content) where he can go on.
- whenever you fill out the last option's page, add another one so the story can go another way.
- please stick to the theme and setting of the story. Although creativity is encouraged, radical plot changes and inconsistencies will ruin the flow.
- If something is off topic, remove it.
- Try to capitalize and spell your words correctly.
To Do List
- Go through and fix or remove status indicators from pages.
- Some are not needed in stories and were copied and pasted from the template.
- Some are missing the level and MP from the line of code.
- Remove off-topic pages.
- Correct capitalization and spelling mistakes.