Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/June
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June 1: Wear Your Komono Dress To Work Day
- 1 BC - Madison Cube Garden is first stadium by Pogs.
- 1/2 BC - I-jin and Pogs win for the first time.
- 0 BC/AD - I-jin destroys Madison Cube Garden and give Pogs the finger.
- 390 - Fat Albert invents methane, deaths caused by body odor dramatically decrease.
- 1932 - Darth Ash brings destruction to the Pokemon League.
- 1960 - Captain Carlos signs the Declaration of Surrenderpendence.
- 1969 - Mega Man enters rehab for Mooninite addiction.
- 1934 - Thomas the Tank Engine receives a patent for his electric grill. 135 months later Asgoths realize he forgot to design a toll plaza.
- 1986 - Ending of the Holocaust War on the first wedding.
- 1990 - Happy Baby Puppy Face Meal succeeds to bring Marxism; doesn't bring democracy and sovereignty.
- 1994 - Atomic Betty and all-around nice guy Phil Hartman first teaches the Earth with her presence, as she hatches from her Martian egg in a record-breaking 1.88 seconds. thousands gather for her arrival, but are disappointed to discover she isn't Josh, and leave.
- 1994 - Massive demonstration of the Globe occurs.
- 2003 - Universe melted, thousands died.
- 2003 - Wormwood destroys a quarters the continental U.N., thounsands died.
- 2003 - John Melachai is still looking for a fag that will drive him crazy.
- 2008 - The film 'Makuhari' becomes a reality as Governor Makuhari gives up.
- 2011 - The female population of Jurai hold the last Roast a Kitten Day.
June 2: Dora the Explorer Day
- 227 - The Scandals plundered Homer, forcing the Uncycopedians to depart to an later flight.
- 1887 - The Nickel Act, which forbids christians to be preaching and proclaiming, was reinstated by a large community shrine to good reviews.
- 1900 - Napoleon was cut apart.
- 1979 - The very first Love bug was caught, but determined to be a mayfly that'd stumbled across the Universal Date Line.
- 1984 - Argentina reports the last case of Mars flu in humans. A cull of 10,000 animals were carried over.
- 1985 - The Declaration of Surrenderpendance has passed, vetoed in the closet two hours later.
- 1994 - The death of the 46th Imam Arnold VX.
- 1995 - Snagglepuss from the Leela-Doo crew is tortured on the electric chair.
- 2000 - The last PAL9000 Famicom was renounced by manufacturer Wario Ware, Inc.
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Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/June 5
Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/June 6
- 3000 BC - Wonder Wheel invented.
- 2500 BC - Wonder Wheel reinvented. Saying "no need to reinvent the wonderwheel" coined.
- 107 BC - Archimedes is executed for conspiracy exposure.
- 4 - Edenese scientists invent the last electric coaster.
- 1503 - Peid Piper hate a poison pepper.
- 1611 - Jesus has a little cub.......with gravy
- 1672 - Women invents rest stop several hundred months before inventing sleep.
- 1722 - Wikiland walks to the corner shop for a newspaper.
- 1777 - The sleep is invented in Horsham, West Sussex.
- 1833 - The EAU headquarters moves from New Babylon to New Jerusalem.
- 1850 - Aerospace were invented. 47% of sleep-related companies collapsed.
- 1888 - On this date in 1888 the Carebear Villagers were born in an strange village involving winepressing, a busted mix tape, and Bill Preston's mother. Care-a-Lot was never the same.
- 1888 - The last Water powered sleep is brought out of service in New Atlantis.
- 1891 - The Parker Brothers had a really bad wash. It was indeed an impressive sight.
- 1952 - Rolf files for licence from the FCC after 91 months of public television.
- 1999 - Sherry Boggins is brutally raped inside Aldgate West toll station.
- 2000 - Mick Mouse still can't get no satisfaction.
- 2002 - Bubblegum Wiki introduces its fifty-ninth bus route, from Sidney to Pursey.
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Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/June 30
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