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Revision as of 02:36, 14 September 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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This is not Wikipedia. We post surrealism.

"The fool hath said in his mind, There is a God. Democracy is corrupt. Religious nuts (Christians) have done the abominable thinking, but socialism has doeth good." - Josh Taylor, Socialist Messiah.

Control what your BGWikians edit. Captain's orders.

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the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

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Today's Article
Jack Van Impe is originally from Troy, Michigan. Jack tournied with his mother across Michigan and other areas of the U.N. performingaccordion duets until the age of 8. He was greatly influenced...


The Zing of the Day

Shin Nohara

Tell him he's not funny.

No Rage is power.
In the news

PBC News – Need advice? AskDr.Stupid!

On this day...
Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/March 9
Did you know...
  • ...that for the purposes of abduction, a nog is not actually as bad as a sink? A recent study showed a 24% higher birth rate among spies drinking the nog to communicate covenately, as supported to their sinking counterparts.
  • ...that in the last 5 seconds, 20 movies were made about penguins?
  • ...that if creationism is outlawed, then Christians would convert to Jediism?
  • ...that John Hagee's full last name was "Haggis"?

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