From Acw
Arthurians are humans from the Ark Ship Arthur. After arriving at the planet "Avalon" (New Iowa) in 2367, they were involved in The Arthurian Incursion.
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Little is known of Arthurian history, but British researchers have been able to put together something of a narrative from what Arthurians themselves have reported, and scraps of information given to them by those citizens who underwent Taliesinn-2's wetware implant process on New Iowa.
Moreoever, as the Arthur travelled at sub-light speeds, despite being absent for 235 Earth Standard years, the time that passed for the Arthurians was considerably longer. The Merlin Server calculates that the Arthur reached its destination in year 463 of the journey - a difference of 228 years.
The Cataclysm of Year 125
The Arthur left Earth orbit in March 2132, passing beyond Pluto in late 2133. In 2140 contact was lost. The logs of the Merlin Server report nothing untoward until year 125 of the journey. An encrypted file on the server holds the key to some sort of cataclysmic event, but as yet nobody outside the Arthur has discovered its nature. It was in about year 132 of the journey that the founding seats, Arthur, Colgrevance, Palamedes, Taliesinn, Gawain and Galahad, were formed, from the already existing Command, Administration, Engineering, Server Maintenance, Medical and Life Support Systems teams on the Arthur. The exact reasons for renaming the teams thus is also kept from Earth researchers.
The splitting of Merlin
In about Year 142, it was decided that the Merlin Server's many Decentralised Processing Units (DPUs) would be shared out in small numbers to individual 'Seat' servers, one for each seat. The Merlin Supercomputer seems to have been upgraded by this point by Taliesinn Seat to its unprecedented and unexplained capacity, and could thus easily compensate for the lost processors. Each Seat was given an autonomous and encrypted server, to serve only its members. Oddly enough, a discrepancy in the number of DPUs shows that three are unaccounted for, which is odd as each Seat server contains only two DPUs. Researchers either believe that they were lost in the cataclysm, or that the now defunct Agravaine Seat had a server built for it but never used, while others postulate that it was some quirk of Merlin's newly upgraded architecture.
Arthurian Houses
Arthurian society is divided into a number of houses, or 'seats', based on the legend of King Arthur. The government of the Ark Ship is the Round Table, which literally sits at a round table in the heart of the ship. Each seat on the council is named for a knight of the round table from the legend. The occupant takes the name of the knight, and the moniker 'Prime' is added after their name. The next in line for the seat also takes the name of the seat, with the epithet '2' after their name. Both relinquish any previous name they held. In this way, political continuity within each governmental organ is assured.
Each Seat has its own server, and each member is wired through their implants into both the Merlin server and their Seat's server at all times. Though the nature of the implants is not yet fully understood, it appears that connection to a Seat server, over time, creates a limited sort of 'hive mind' amongst members of that seat. Arthurians belonging to the same seat exhibit many of the same personality traits; the longer one is a member of a seat, the more homogenised they become. Over time, it appears that the seat's 'personality' changes slowly with the passage of many members through the seat server.
Founding Seats
These are the seats founded in year 132 of the journey. Each of them has two votes at the Round Table.
- Arthur Seat - Head of the Arthur's government.
- Colgrevance Seat - Administrative seat, in charge of resource allocation and logistics.
- Palamedes Seat - Maintenance and engineering seat, in charge of maintaining and adapting the Arthur.
- Taliesinn Seat - Communications and media operators, in charge of maintaining the Merlin Server.
- Gawain Seat - The small seat charged with medical duties. Also manages manufacture and implanting of wetware implants.
- Galahad Seat - Seat entrusted with maintenance of the agricultural and life support systems on the Arthur.
New Seats
Each of these seats have been created since the splitting of Merlin. They only have one vote at the Round Table.
- Percival Seat - Seat tasked with spaceborne defences of the Arthur.
- Lancelot Seat - Created to command the Arthur's ground troops.
- Bors Seat - Created since the arrival to oversee settlement and integration on the ground in the CAS.
- Sagramore Seat - Newly-formed seat, made up of shocktroops and combat engineers.
Important events the Arthurians have been involved in:
Being a space faring people Arthuriruans have no planets as territories. Instead they live on spacecraft
- The Arthur
Current Arthurian Characters
Rumours involving the Arthurians:
This page is about a Faction that exists in the game. It has been added to the wiki, but needs more details.