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Scotland The Brave

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

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The Island

In Scotland The Brave, Cortez teams up with Captain Ash to save the Jungle Queen and try to find the source of the Time Crystals.




Cortez has been sent back in time to Urnsay, a small island off the coast of Scotland to investigate the time travel energy residues which Anya detected.

On arrival he finds himself in the midst of a battle raging between the British Navy and foreign troops occupying the island.

Fortunately the eccentric Captain Ash has offered to lend a hand. What ho!

Primary Objectives

  • Infiltrate the castle
  • Protect Captain Ash
  • Escape the trap
  • Locate the Time Crystal mining site
  • Gain entry to the meeting hall
  • Destroy the enemy tank
  • Access the underground areas of the island

Secondary Objectives

  • Help Captain Ash rescue his assistant



  • Co-op

Before the tank battle, let one of the players in Cooperative go through the door and the other stay behind. Let that player pick up the weapons around the area where the tank comes out and battles you. But, since it's just one of the two, the tank won't come out. After the player is done, let the other do the same thing. Then after you repeat the secret, both of the players should come out and fight the tank with a lot of ammo.

Overall Strategy:

Cortez gets two new neat toys to play with in campaign mode -- the telekinetic claw and the mapper. The mapper basically shows you the map -- hence there are no maps in this guide. Unless you want to pay a freelancer to help you play the game, the map is your best source of "where to go". The TK glove is a more useful device (leave the weapon on this mode) since Cortez can use it to grab items such as power-ups and ammo. In many cases, this power will also solve puzzles. Don't discount the power!

Take the handgun from Captain Ash, then look around for the rowboat. The flare gun is still on board. Inspect the boat and take it with you, since you can always use an extra weapon. Head up the road past the porticullis and take down the three enemies there. A vintage rifle is nearby; take it since you need to snipe two of the three enemies who come out. You'll hear one yelling orders -- simply take aim at the top of the wall and kill the ones you see. The final enemy is manning a machinegun. Inch left to spot his head and whack him.

There are only a few more enemies you will encounter on the ground and in the high areas. For the most part, the Captain Ash AI is relatively capable, so if you see him shooting at something, you should look for the enemy and get rid of it. One enemy near the busted houses has a double Kruger; picking it up will let Cortez fire double handed. Enter the manger's front door to move on.

Captain Ash and Cortez will be trapped in the lower castle. To escape, follow the right wall (after getting the cutscene) to a stairwell, taking out enemies. Cortez will pick up a K-SMG from one of the enemies on the stairs. Use this weapon to blast upstairs to the porticullis switch. There are two -- one opens the gate leading back outside, the other opens the way onward. Once the correct one is opened (Anya will mention the correct one), a gunboat will pin down Captain Ash.

Locate the crane controls (above left illustration) and operate it. Note you can only pick-up and drop the gun turret once; as soon as you have the turret clamped (by holding the action key), move it over the water and release the action key to drop it into the water. That's one problem solved. Before leaving with Captain Ash, check the first floor for grenades.

Outside, shoot out the skylight and toss a grenade inside. It will take out a few enemies inside. Move down the hill and make an about-face to down the enemies in the car-port. There are health kits and grenades inside. Grab them before getting on the lorry (truck). You can have Cortez drive or gun (Captain Ash will be gunner or driver, opposite Cortez). Move up the road regardless who is driving.

Ride the truck through the gate, making sure not to go back past it (Cortez cannot move the gate objects using any method, except by truck). Take out the enemies on the ground and hop off when the machinegun nest starts firing. Fall back under cover and sniper the gunner first. Use the TK glove as Anya recommends on the level switch across the chasm to lower the bridge. This device will come in quite handy in Marcus Rowland's and Mark Clark's Space 1889/Forgotten Futures adventures. Hehehehehe.

Get back into the truck and drive up the last half of the road. The truck kills anyone instantly by ramming them at full speed. Stop near the overturned truck, grab the TNT and place it on the left door. The TNT respawns so don't worry about misplacing it. Go inside and wax the six enemies in the immediate room.

Captain Ash will leave momentarily and Cortez will meet himself. Typical British humour. Head down into the cellar (past the drunk guard) and head up the lift. Captain Ash will not be around to help you out anymore, so move carefully through the Castle Wolfenstein halls with the K-SMG fully loaded.

Take out the first guard on the right using a slient weapon, then when the second and third guard investigate, blast them using the K-SMG. Don't stay in the hallway -- the third guard usually fires through the open gate and with the second guard, can "trap" Cortez. Wipe the floor clean before heading upstairs.

Inspect each room for ammo and power-ups, head upstairs and blast the guards in the dining hall. Throw grenades down the hatch and waste all the guards in the dining hall. Use the K-SMG exclusively now, since the Kruger's ammo will be useful later.

Before heading up the stairs after killing everyone in the dining hall, look for the kitchen and kill the enemies there. Once that's taken care of, Cortez can safely take out the two or three enemies in the 3rd floor bedroom and be relatively unscathed. Don't miss the K-SMG rocket shots in a small study on the 3rd floor. This is what you'll be using for the tank.

The periscope room has enemies inside. Feel free to toss any grenades you didn't use inside. Without grenades, it is not necessary -- just shoot any part of the enemy and they will come out, making themselves targets. Move across the walkway overlooking the courtyard and meet up with Captain Ash and his "assistant" (hubba hubba).

To free the assistant (and incidentally unlock her in multiplayer), go into the next prison cell over and locate the red drum. Note this drum has a limited amount of petrol. If you shoot the wrong spots, you will not free the assistant. Take the Kruger and shoot the barrel from top to bottom. Repeat, shoot the barrel from top to bottom. This makes the biggest pool of petrol possible, especially if you wait for the leaking to stop before you make a new hole. Shoot the lantern in the same prison cell and ignite the spilled compounds. The ensuing explosion should be large enough to free the prisoner.

Now, questions regarding the ass-istant. First question -- is the appearance of the ass-istant historically correct? Maybe in Elizabeth's England in Timesplitters, but not to any historians' knowledge. Second question -- is the attire historically correct? Nope, but it's sure nice to ogle. Last question -- how exactly does the ass-istant "ass-ist" Captain Ash?

Head downstairs and change to the K-SMG grenade. When Cortez heads past the door, turn left and run down the ramp. The tank will appear and start looking for Cortez. To destroy it, use the K-SMG grenades to cripple the tank to a crawl, then run up and place some TNT on the boss. There are two spots that respawn K-SMG rockets and TNT near the ramp you're on. Use the TK glove to drag the boxes towards you, safe out of the tank's sight. Repeat and wait for the ammo to respawn and destroy the tank. K-SMG rockets applied directly to the tank also work. Destroy the tank and head into its lift. Open the door on the other side of the bridge to end the stage.



  • There is an organ in the room that you are in before you fight the tank. If you press the action button it will play different tunes.
  • After you've beaten the tank, if you stay too long on the courtyard, Anya will say: "The General says 'stop playing with the tank and get down below, on the double!'".
  • The drunk enemy is in the wine cellar. He boasts about how he is the best guard.
  • In the meeting hall, after you have killed the enemies there, walk up to the side of the fireplace, you will see a switch there, that will take you down a path to an elevator shaft, you cant get in it, but it will give you the "Access the Underground Areas of the island" objective sooner.
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