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Warrant Officer Cain

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Warrant Officer Cain
Unlocked by Complete Scotland The Brave on normal
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy N/A
Agility 5
Stamina 5
Fire Proof 5
Shock Proof 5
Default AI 4
Native TimeZone 1924
First Appearance TSFP Story mode
Relations N/A
Games TSFP

Warrant Officer Cain is a character you fight in the You Take The High Road story mission in TimeSplitters Future Perfect. He is unlocked by completing Scotland The Brave on a normal difficulty. He has a similer gallery entry to Warrant Officer Keely.

TS1 Gesture N/A TSFP Gesture Puts hand on chest while saying "Okay, let's roll"
TS2 Gallery N/A TSFP Gallery Warrent Officer Cain is in charge of the keys to the castle cellars-he's a very popular man.
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