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Jared Slim

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Jared Slim
Unlocked by TS2: Elite League > Duel Meaning
> If I'm Ugly - You Smell! with Silver or better
TSFP: Elite League > Retro Chique >
The Dead, The Bad and The Silly
with a Bronze or better
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy 3
Agility TS2:7
Stamina TS2:4
Fire Proof 5
Shock Proof 5
Default AI 2
Native TimeZone 1853
First Appearance TS2 Story Mode
Relations N/A
Games TS2, TSFP
TS1 Gesture N/A TSFP Gesture Pulls gun out and says "Just show me where to shoot."
TS2 Gallery A callous murderer and card sharp, Jared was rescued from the gallows by the Colonel and has been his right hand man ever since. TSFP Gallery Jared's recently packed in the callous murdering. Nowadays he just stays at home and plays Texas Holden on-line against bored housewives. He usually loses.

Jared Slim is a member of The Colonel's gang after he saved Jared from execution. His is rivals with Mikey Two-guns, however Mikey fails to make an appearance in TSFP where Jared does. Jared wears a fine light brown opened jacket with rope across his chest that he uses to hold his shotgun on his back. Has a perfect parting of hair. Has blue trousers and brown shoes complete with spurs.

He us the sharp shooter of the town, loved by the ladies, feared by the men, he don't want any stranger coming in and taking his crown. He prepared for pistols drawn to dawn.

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