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Assault was an Arcade Custom mode which was first seen in TimeSplitters 2 and then returned in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect.



The aim of this mode depends on which team you are playing on. If on the red team, your aim is to complete set objectives within a certain time limit. If on the blue team, your aim is to stop the red team from completing their objectives and to hold them back until the time has elapsed. This mode was only featured on a few maps on each of the two games and in TimeSplitters 2 human players could only play on the red team and could therefore not defend.

TimeSplitters 2 Assault Maps

In TimeSplitters 2 there were 3 maps with Assault modes and the player could only play on the red team to attack.

Training Ground

This Assault sees you going from one base to destroy the interior of the other.

Objective 1 - Seize The Middle Ground

For the first objective you will start off in the base the blue team occupy in a Capture The Bag game. You simply have to get past the waterfall at the middle of the map to complete the objective. The major obstacles in the way are 3 automatic gun turrets which can hit you from a distance.

Objective 2 - Destroy The Fuel Supplies

For this objective, you will respawn by the waterfall and have to move up the slope to the enemy base. Around the base are 6 fuel barrels which must be destroyed. In this area are another 2 automatic gun turrets which will target anyone who attempts to move towards the base.

Objective 3 - Destroy The Computers

You will respawn closer to the base for this objective and must get inside to destroy the many computers along the walls. There are no more gun turrets and so the only obstacles are the respawning enemies next to the computers. Once every computer has been destroyed, the game is over and the red team has won.


  • If possible, let team-mates draw the fire from the gun turrets by letting them go first.
  • The first turret can be easily dispached by going to the left. Go up close and you will be out of it's line of sight with a clear shot of the lens to disable it quickly.
  • The two automatic gun turrets on the way to the waterfall can be disabled by using the manual turret in the bunker looking onto them. Firing this turrets secondary fire will deal with the turrets with ease.
  • When first moving into the enemy base, take the Sniper Rifle on the ledge you go past. This will let you destroy the gun turret lenses without being in danger of them firing back.
  • When attacking the computers, firing grenades with the Soviet S47 will destroy them with ease.


This Assault involves invading an underground base and making your way to the control room.

Objective 1 - Breach The Airlock

For this objective, you simply have to get inside the first tunnel of the structure. There are however 8 automatic gun turrets between the spawn points and the area you must reach to complete the objective. 5 of these are before you even reach the structure, but all have limited range. 4 of them fire lasergun shots and the top-centre one fires grenades. The airlock itself has another two lasergun turrets and just past it is another grenade turret on the ceiling. These turrets can prove vrey difficult to get past.

Objective 2 - Secure Cooling Towers

The second objective again involves reaching a certain point. You will respawn by the airlock and need to get past a spiralling room and then past two towers to complete the objective. Before you reach this point however, you will encounter another 7 gun turrets. The first one is hidden in a small alcove quite near to the spawn point and fires lasergun shots. In the spiralling room are another 3 lasergun turrets that will be able to hit you at any point lower than them in the room. Once past this room, you will be at the cooling towers where there are 3 turrets that fire rockets at you. Getting into the next corridor will complete the objective.

Objective 3 - Seize Control Room

The third objective requires you to get to the heart of the base. You will spawn in the cooling tower room and have to go around a passageway due to a door being closed. Along the way will be 2 rocket turrets, 3 plasma turrets and a lasergun turret. The two rocket turrets are very near to the spawn point and can kill you very quickly. The first plasma turret is hidden by a wall at first and will fire at anyone who tries to go down a vital passageway. After this passageway is a large room with a pillar and a plasma turret on each side of it. Moving up towards the control room, you will encounter the lasergun turret which can send you back to the spawn point very quickly. Getting past this turret will take you to the control room and complete this Assault mission.


  • The first turrets will stop anyone getting close to the structure. Getting a Plasma Autorifle and firing Plasma Grenades from a distance will disable them however.
  • Entering the airlock whilst the turrets are there will resolve in near instant death. However. hiding outside and firing a Plasma Grenade when someone opens the door will make it safe.
  • Some turrets can be easily disabled by standing underneath them and firing at the red light.
  • In the spiralling room, firing Plasma Grenades at the small balconies will disable turrets underneath before they can fire at you.
  • In the spiralling room, there is a Homing Launcher. Using it's secondary fire will disable any turret.
  • If you have teammates, it is sometimes better to let them draw fire from turrets whilst you disable them.

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