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From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 19:10, 18 August 2006 by Elite Yoshi (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the TimeSplitters Wiki,
the TimeSplitters encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
747 articles since opening on April 28th, 2006

Welcome and News

Welcome! This is a TimeSplitters Wiki based on all TimeSplitters knowledge. We are working on articles that any user can contribute to. You can help by expanding on current articles, or creating articles in red; why not visit the Wanted Pages list!

If you think anything could be improved, see the Feedback Page. you can also click the links on the sidebar to access various parts of the wiki such as the Chat page. And if you're not sure how to edit/create pages, see the Edit Guide.

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This week's featured article

The Minigun is an electronic Gatling gun. It dispenses rounds from its six rotating barrels at an incredible rate of fire, but there is one big drawback. Continuous fire will cause the barrel to overheat, reducing its firing speed (and effectiveness) to that of a semi-automatic pistol.

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The TimeSplitters games

ts1boxgy6.jpg TimeSplitters

ts2boxpp0.jpg TimeSplitters 2

tsfpboxzo0.jpg TimeSplitters Future Perfect

The Eras & Timezones


TimeSplitter War Phase 1


The Machine Wars


Mox Civil War


Mutant Inhabitance


Zombie Inhabitance


TimeSplitters' Natural Existence

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