Douweis Sanna

From Secondheaven

Revision as of 23:03, 6 July 2007 by Shinn (Talk | contribs)
Name Douweis Sanna
Age 16
Birthday January 28, 1991
Home Crown City, Ohio
Height 5'7 (And growing)
Weight ---
Family Father, mother, two older brothers
Languages Fluent: English
Visible Marks None.
Not readily visible Marks None.
Year 1
Rank 5
Dorm 1-B
History World History
Elective Art
Extracurriculars Track, Archery
Played By Keira Knightley
Journal fallintoclouds



She's skinny and gangly and, no matter how much she tries, always ends up looking at least somewhat awkward. Her hair is dark brown and naturally curly, which she hates and straightens every morning. It generally crimps up again after Track, so by the end of the day she has it pulled back into a tight bun.

Despite the general offness of her overall appearance, she's almost always neat-looking. When she's not in uniform, she's either in lounge or work out clothing (for running and doing homework), or in casual-dressy clothes (for church or going into town).


She grew up very sheltered and somewhat out of place in a small rural "city" in Ohio, on the border between Ohio and West Virginia. Her family was one of the few of the area that had college degrees and remained there (the rest had a tendancy to leave and only come back for family reunions), and it allowed her to grow up in a house that placed a heavy emphasis on education. She excelled in such, which worried her second-older brother (Kyle), and he started taking her out with him for the pickup sporting games in an effort to keep her from being a total bookworm who never saw daylight. This, however, was put to an end the second time she broke an arm playing American Football.

When it became obvious that the school she was in wasn't challenging her at all (plus some other factors), her parents, at the behest of various teachers, started to look for a private high school. They settled on Second Heaven, and she just went with it.


Keywords: Awkward, insecure, controlled, calm.

Awkward. She wants to be someone sophisticated and looked up to/unapproachable/not messed with, but is pretty sure that a girl who falls down all the time and is from the sticks can't really be that. She meets most people by tripping on or near them, and isn't always sure how to take people. If they're nice, she'll accept it and not second guess it. If they're very obvious in being mean (Candide) or hitting on her (Lee), she'll get even more insecure and attempt to get away.

Knows full well she's a mouse, and figures that the mouse that faces down the hawk is going to get killed faster.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

Her parents liked the idea of a school that was culturally diverse, as it was the complete opposite of what she had lived in before. She just went with it.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Brown.
  • Food Strawberries.
  • Activity Walking/Running.
  • Subject Science (normally).
  • Other Likes Horses, being ignored, not falling.

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Orange.
  • Food Pepper.
  • Activity Talking in front of people.
  • Subject Science (just the teacher).
  • Other Dislikes Falling over, being bullied, being unsure what's going on with someone.



  • Once got suspended for calling her science teacher's lecture on Creationism BS and fake science when she was about 13. It was also the start on looking for a private school for her.
  • Overcompensates in acting morally Christian, because she knows she can't truly believe in all of it, but she can *do* it better than others.


050407 Ceridwen Turcotte/Douweis
Summary: Ceridwen helps Douweis not be hopeless in Archery.

[051007 Marlene Appleby/Douweis
Summary: The first of the Douweis Runs Into Someone series. Doesn’t end very well.

051207 Conrad Himmelreich/Douweis
Summary: Conrad helps Douweis with a sprained ankle.

051607 Eila "Eleanor" Sridar/Douweis
Summary: Douweis runs into Eleanor, and they chat.

051607 Alma Liang Sima/Douweis
Summary: Alma comes to distract Douweis during Track.

051707 Sei Matsuura/Douweis
Summary: omg where did their BFF go? Sei and Douweis chat over being class president is worth it.

051707 Candide de Cunegonde de Roucher/Douweis
Summary: Douweis runs into Candide’s locker, and she just makes it worse.

051807 Ashlee "Lee" Walker Buck/Douweis
Summary: She trips into Lee’s lap during art.

051907 Tai Gong Wan/Douweis
Summary: Tai and Douweis talk about things, including her nose.

052107 Yngve Sverreson/Douweis
Summary: Yngve and Douweis chat, including her clumsiness.

052107 Conrad Himmelreich/Douweis
Summary: Conrad and Douweis talk about her nose.

060207 Yngve Sverreson/Douweis
Summary: Douweis makes Yngve go running with her.

060407 Marlene Appleby/Douweis; cut tag
Summary: Douweis falls down the stairs in front of Marlene. They really don’t get along.

061207 Arden Tide/Douweis
Summary: Douweis runs into Arden after the PE Test From Hell. Doesn’t go well.

061307 Tai Gong Wan/Douweis
Summary: Tai and Douweis wander the forest together.

061407 Arden Tide/Alma Liang Sima/ Kass Auchinleck/Conrad Himmelreich/Douweis
Summary: Alma goes to confront Arden about the kiss, drags lots of people into it, and things don’t go that well.

061407 Alma Liang Sima/Douweis
SummaryDouweis utterly fails at stopping Alma from doing anything.

061407 Agustín Fujiwara/Douweis
Summary: The two clumsiest people run into each other!

061707 Clyde Arrowny Kenpachi Takagawa/Douweis
Summary: They find a decent church together.

061707 Katsuro Sasaki/Douweis
Summary: She nearly runs into him, but misses. For once.

061707 Alaire D'Aubigne/Douweis
Summary: She does run into him.

061707 Edmund Caine/Douweis
Summary: They talk during lunch break, about home and injuries and other things.

061807 Arden Tide/Douweis
Summary: Arden stops by to talk about church and home.

062007 Arden Tide/Alma Liang Sima/Douweis
Summary: Douweis fails at being funny.

062107 Ceridwen Turcotte/Douweis
Summary: Massively backlogged. Ceridwen helps Douweis after her run in with Candide.

062407 Arden Tide/Douweis
Summary: They talk about home and what it means to be a good or bad Christian.

062407 Marlene Appleby/Douweis
Summary: Sometimes little prayers ARE answered.

063007 Conrad Himmelreich/Douweis
Summary: He helps her with her ankle after another run-in with Candide.

063007 Penna Mentel/Douweis
Summary: Penna brings cookies over to Douweis.

070107 Ceridwen Turcotte/Douweis
Summary: Douweis gives Ceridwen a gift.

070107 Arden Tide/Douweis
Summary: He is less than sympathetic over her bullying woes.

070307 Candide de Cunegonde de Roucher/Douweis
Summary: Douweis can not be around Candide without seriously hurting something.

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