Eila "Eleanor" Sridar

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Eila "Eleanor" Sridar
Player: Lissa
Date of Birth: October 27th, 1988
Age: 18
Journal: eleanorsays
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 139lbs


A common first impression of Eleanor is that she is a confident, amiable girl. Her features are small, save for her big, dark eyes, and appear even smaller for being set in her round face. Well-shaped, perpetually chapped, red lips are set off by her tanned skin. Eleanor's nose, which isn't wide enough to keep her thick glasses from slipping off her face, curves gently into a small hook and gives her soft face a determined look. She hates her ears, insisting that they're much too big for the head they sit on, but doesn't try to hide them with her long, extremely thick, black hair. However, Eleanor does do her best to wear her uniform loose, as she doesn't like to be teased for being heavier than most girls. Eleanor is pretty, but unremarkably so, and doesn't put much effort into hiding her flaws.

Visible Markings: A large scar on her left elbow and a piercing in each ear.

Not readily visible Markings: A mole to the right of her belly-button and a scar along the inside of her left calf.

Eleanor's PB is Meera Jasmine.


An atypically energetic and ambitious girl, Eleanor will do everything within reason to stay at the top of her game. She studies hard and puts 110% into as many of her endeavors as she can without breaking her neck. As she is usually under a lot of stress, she has a tendency of flying off the handle and indulging in private tantrums. But, as Eleanor also tries to hide her deeper emotions from people, not many see these breakdowns. The face she shows to the world is usually cheerful, always confident, jealous, petty and not very realistic. (For example, she has little common sense when it comes to organizing things, in that she organizes them down to the bones and keeps any real work from happening. From the outside, however, it appears as though she runs a very tight, very productive ship.) Because she has worked hard to get where she is, Eleanor also has problems with her ego when it comes to her intelligence and accomplishments. She has little self-esteem, and even less when it comes to her appearance, and so can sometimes talk too much about herself in order to keep from losing her nerve. If she wasn't interrupted, it is assumed that the girl could talk until she passed out.


Born as the third of four children to Jayesh and Varsha Sridar, immigrants from Southern India, in Glasgow, Scotland, Eleanor has always been somewhat at odds with the rest of her family. Her two elder sisters lived up to almost every standard their parents set, which has left Eleanor feeling that there's really nowhere for her to go but down. Tiya married a wealthy businessman and Savitri was accepted into the nation's top university, St. Andrews. The two, though they try not to boast, sometimes go a little too far with their sisterly teasing of Eleanor. She is now hopelessly conscious about her weight, but doesn't see anything that she can do about it. Also, the two's successes have instilled in Eleanor a drive to be the best at everything, like receiving top marks on entrance exams, keeping the top position in her grade, and being the captain of her girls' football team.

As she was growing up, her parents tended to keep a very traditionally Indian mindset on how to raise their children. Her school friends often wondered why she never allowed to buy hot lunch or participate in after school activities. Though she didn't actively resent her parents, Eleanor did want to be able to have the same freedoms as her friends, which is one of the reasons she turned to Second Heaven. After a year or so of pleading, Eleanor's father yielded to his daughter's wishes, though her mother was still firmly against it. She was asked by her mother to choose which was more important to her: remaining at home with her family or going to a rigorous private school abroad. The positions, Eleanor felt, was hardly a fair one for her to be put into, and, half out of frustration and spite, chose to attend Second Heaven. Her mother and married sister remain cold towards her to this day because of her decision.

In Glasgow, Eleanor had few friends and even fewer friends that her parents approved of. She tended to gravitate towards people who had something interesting to say, regardless of school or social standing, as she wasn't in either's good graces. When she was 12, she became very close with one of the girls in the grade above her, Samia. They were practically inseparable for a little over two years. The friendship ended just before Eleanor left for Second Heaven. Afraid of losing Samia, the person who mattered more to her than anyone in the world, Eleanor acted on impulse and awkwardly kissed the other girl early one morning before school. Confused and somewhat appalled, her friend pushed her away and tried to laugh the encounter off. Though Samia would never say anything concrete on the matter, it was clear to Eleanor that she had lost her. She tried to look on the bright side of things, but after distancing herself from her mother, sister and Samia, she entered the academy as something less than her upfront, energetic self. But as time went on, Eleanor warmed up to the school and did what she could to make a new home there.

Other Information

Birth Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Why Second Heaven?: Eleanor wanted to go to a school where she could receive a good education and, equally importantly, be far enough away from her parents to make her own decisions.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Blue/peanut butter straight from the jar/talking over coffee or tea/Biology
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Pink/eggplant/undressing in the locker room/Music
Likes: Novels, black and white movies, The Velvet Underground, pop art, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, foggy mornings and girls with shy smiles.
Dislikes: Most vegetables with seeds, rap, tight clothing, snow, gossip and dogs.
Family: Father (Jayesh Sridar), a surgeon, Mother (Varsha Sridar), a housewife, two elder sisters (Tiya Pillai and Savitri Sridar), one married and the other currently attending the University of St Andrews, and a younger brother (Panav Sridar), all still living in Scotland.

School Information

Year: 3
Rank on testing: 2
Current Rank: 1
Classroom: 3-1
History?: Japanese History
Art?: Music

Clubs and Sports Student Council, Japanese Club, Football


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