Kass Auchinleck

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Kass Auchinleck
Player: Minitsu
Date of Birth: October 30, 1989 (this is something he has been bitter about for...all of his life. X3)
Age: 17
Journal: asafesaccharide
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 124 lbs
Visible Markings: few very light scars from being scratched on his arms.


Kass has short, brunette-colored hair that is always parted to the side and is never quite messy, but never quite tidy. He has somewhat large eyes and a thin face that gives him a rather harsh look, and his expression of superiority certainly doesn't help to alleviate that. He is considerably lanky (even his fingers are long) and there's probably not a hint of extra muscle on his body. No, Kass was definitely not built for sports or any physical labor, it seems. He's also paler than a bleached sheet.

In addition to the standard school uniform, Kass wears a coat with a hood due to his aversion to sunlight, and does not change out of it for the entire day. Away from school, he can be found wearing basically the same thing, with more casual clothes instead. He is always connected to his iPod.

Kass' PB is Conor Oberst.


Spoiled, haughty, rich, my-way-or-the-highway--your typical pampered and snotty rich kid. Kass isn't a total dickwad, though. He does love cats, and even dogs, and other animals. He also enjoys playing the piano because it gives him a sense of peace and control that isn't forced or commanded. He views the piano and its player as a relationship of equality. He also enjoys sewing because it allows him to create something from a plain piece of fabric. It's quite the wonder for him.

But yeah, for the most part, he's a dickwad.

He hates it when people are better than him at something that he himself enjoys. Luckily, because he'd pretty much isolate himself during the year and a half he attended SH, Kass didn't meet anyone who was better at him at his hobbies. Those in higher authority than him he sees as incompetent in one way or other, and should listen to what he says because he's always right. And even if he isn't right, LISTEN ANYWAY.

If you're not going to, he'll try subtle threats. They've done wonders for him in the past, but he's slowly realizing that this is not the case with people outside of the manor. He's still having a hard time accepting it.

Kass has a soft spot for things that have been "abandoned." It might be because he thinks of himself as abandoned from his parents, even if this truly is not the case. He focused so much on his parents being away (and so leaving him behind) that he now refuses to acknowledge its falseness. They are the bad guys. The fact that living in such a sport-driven country whilst being unable to participate also fueled his feeling of isolation considerably.

He also does enjoy learning, but on his own terms.


Kass was born to a very wealthy pair of rather...odd parents that did a lot of traveling and had their home decorated with various trinkets from around the world; you can literally find something from everywhere somewhere in there. To say that it is a gaudy environment would be a vast, vast understatement. Unfortunately, Kass wasn't privileged to accompany them, not because they were neglectful--no, they cared for the child very much and wished that they could drag him around with them, but travel for Kass was physically impossible. He was a weak boy, prone to colds and the ilk and was found, more often than not, in his bed recovering from yet another relapse. In addition to that, it was discovered that he suffered from Polymorphus light eruption, a condition that didn't allow him to go outside while the sun was out lest he begin to rash. So his parents put their eccentric traveling on hold and would take turns watching him, and if neither could, a nurse would take their place.

However, as Kass grew to become a young child, his parents yearned for the surprises of travel and wondered if they could take him. His personal doctor absolutely forbade it and they were about to accept the idea of additional years at home when the child told them, with a smile, to go. Go travel, have fun, I love you mommy and daddy.

Unfortunately, teenage Kass does not remember saying this.

He, in fact, resents his parents for their constant traveling. Without him. For not only was he closely taken care of while he grew up, he was also extremely spoiled. The maids and butlers catered to his every whim and on the off-chance someone didn't, Kass would throw such a huge bitchfit that they'd eventually do it. On one occassion during said bitchfits, he overheard one of the maids tell the offending maid that she could get fired if she didn't do her job. And so Kass then learned to threaten with punishment instead of throwing a tantraum. The child had calmed considerably.

He had gained a new skill to get his way, you know.

This was how Kass terrorized the Auchinleck manor for nine years, going through teachers faster than a chewing addict through bubblegum. He was, afterall, still bound to the estate and so was home-schooled. The boy had never once set foot outside of it due to both the doctor and his parents' wishes for him to be safe. It was more than once that Kass tried to threaten a member of the staff to take him out or they'd lose their job, but none of them would listen, respecting his parents more than fearing him. (Although they were wishing that they'd come and take this devil child away from them.)

There's not really much to keep you pre-occupied when you spend nine years confined, even if it is a mansion and you're pretty shitty with anything physical, so in addition to studying (and consequentially flipping the table over in a "FUCK THIS SHIT" manner), learning how to play the piano, how to sew (this is his dark little secret; only the members of the household know [and of those, only the ones who have their shifts around him]), and watching various TV shows, movies, anime, reading books and manga (these Japanese forms of entertainment were introduced to him by a member of the staff), and even playing a few online games (Kass would currently be a WoW addict if not for the maids' interference and consequent Pulling Him Away From the Screen Despite Threats of Sabotage) Kass got interested in Halloween. There was a piece of decoration near his room door that had always caught his eye--a simple jack-o-lantern around the light switch--and constantly asked everyone about it. What is Halloween? What is its origins? Is it the same everywhere else? How is it celebrated? Things like that, for Kass had never experienced the normal child's excitement of Halloween. He'd just gotten extra desserts that day.

Upon discovering the answers (and more!) to these questions, Kass fell in love with the pagan holiday and the sorts of myths and creatures associated with it. He began to hold séances and perform rituals, some of which worked, and developed an air of darkness and mystery around him. (His pale skin and dark hair certainly helped in the matter.) He dabbled in astrology as a sub-hobby as well, having an equal love for the night and its stars. If you didn't give them some semblence of respect you'd get punished, he said, possibly by your own stupidity.

When his parents were informed of Kass' rather strange behavior, they chuckled and called it a phase. (And even if it wasn't, hey! To each his own, right?) But even Halloween could not keep this teenager occupied forever, and Kass was led to the holiday called Christmas.

He's not quite sure which one he adores more, but he certainly keeps the second love to himself.

But his parents, they were keen people! That Christmas, they noticed the extra sparkle in his eye and the slight smile, and so they decided to go all out for the rest of the Christmas' to come.

As mentioned before, Kass was a teenager, already antsy, grouchy, and generally ill-tempered being confined to the manor, and he was just getting worse, so on his birthday (and without the input of the family doctor), his parents suggested he go to a boarding school to experience a place that wasn't home. The boy was ecstatic and wanted to go to Japan, but his parents were reluctant to let him go somewhere so far away right in the beginning of his freedom. After some research, they suggested Second Heaven. Not only was it Japanese-based and prestigious, it was so far in the north that the sun hardly shined--something that would allow Kass outside as long as he made sure none of his skin was exposed without too much strain.

Of course Kass huffed and initially refused, but he eventually gave in because it was, really, the closest he'd get at the time. So to Second Heaven he went, his first and second year spent living in a house with a few of the maids, and generally getting HELLA CULTURE SHOCK. It wasn't unusual for Kass to be mysteriously absent, so his classmates generated rumors that he was cursing someone when, in reality, he just didn't want to get the hell out of bed and go to school.

It was so weird, you know?! They didn't... They didn't listen to him! What was that, huh!?

So built Kass the reputation of stuck up, snobby, irritable, creepy asshole.

Yeah, that was pretty much accurate. :)b

He poked his head into the Occult Club, reluctantly joined (he thought he was better than them, but they were few of the only ones somewhat similar to his interests, so...), and was made president in his second year because he was, well, really dedicated to the subject. Even if he was a bossy asshole, the club members knew this.

But the club wasn't enough to ease his discomfort and baffling at The Outside World, so towards the middle of the school year, Kass pulled out. He returned home.

His parents were surprisingly very understanding about it all, and Kass felt some ounce of gratitude to them for it. (But he was still a brat.) for the rest of the school year he chilled at home, finding the familiar confinement somewhat comforting after everything. He, in fact, thought that maybe he should just stay like this! People listened to him! He could order anyone around and get whatever he wanted without any resistance.

Well, as we could all presume, after a few months he was back to hating it.

Now he's going to return to Second Heaven for a second go. (He's not sure he really likes this. HE STILL DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHY HIS PARENTS WON'T LET HIM GO TO JAPAN AFTER ALL THAT. >:(!!! )

He's also dorming. 8Db (His parents said it would be good for him to be with another person for the year, it'll help him ease into the setting easier. HA HA HA. And they kind of didn't give him a choice this time.)

Other Information

Birth Location: Munich, Germany
Why Second Heaven?: 'Cause he's otaku. 'Cause it's the closest he'll get before being able to go to Japan, closest Japanese-themed school from home, and the weather is very lenient on his condition.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green / Venison / Reading fantasy (about vampires, witches, etc. ... and Christmas novels too, but that is HELLA SECRET) / Home Ec
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Orange / Chicken / Sitting in class / Business (THAT TEACHER IS FUCKING INSANE.)
Likes: Music (alternative, alt. rock, J-pop/rock, instrumentals, world... he owns a huuuuge CD collection), anime/manga (Card Captor Sakura, BLOOD+, Death Note, D.Gray-man, Full Metal Panic!, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC...etc. generally, fantasy/darker, few mecha, EVEN MORE FEW KIDDIE ONES like CCS 83), The 10th Kingdom, Halloween, Christmas, sewing, playing the piano (and violin, but not as much), sheet music for the series' he likes, getting his way, obedience, rain, the night, the morning after rainfall, snow.
Dislikes: Sunny/hot weather, plastic (looks so cheap!), hip hop, being woken up, people who talk a lot, authority, people who play sports (he's envious), harem/sci-fi anime/manga, bright things.
Family: Alan and Leonore Auchinleck (parents)
Languages: English (fluent), German (fluent), Japanese (decent.)

Because of Kass' love for Halloween and Christmas, his parents donate and even help set up for them. (So the year he was there in which both holidays occurred, his class (1-2) had a lot of money to set up in the festival, and the other classes had a chance to win more with whoever had the best setup. (Decided by his parents, and some of his input, though they knew he was a sour puss and so didn't really take everything he said into account. X3) As for Christmas, they donate money to decorate and generally make the place more Christmas-y than friggin Hogwarts. (THAT'S RIGHT, BITCHES.)

Has a black cat with white markings that's been with him since he was 12 or so. Was a stray that he found in the garden and took in, after it scratched the hell out of him at first. :') When he moved to That Country, he took Edward (the cat) with him. This year, Edward will be accompanying him into the dorms because of the HEFTY sum of cha-ching the Auchinleck's have provided to the school.

He's gone through tons of anime and manga, but for the very same reason, he usually doesn't remember which ones he's seen/read unless he really liked it.

Can also play the violin. Wishes he could play the pipe instruments, but he doesn't have the breath for it.

School Information

Year: 2nd
Classroom: 2-1
History: Japanese/Local History
Art, Music, or Writing: Writing
Club and Sports: Anime, Astrology


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