Ashlee "Lee" Walker Buck

From Secondheaven

Name Ashlee "Lee" Walker Buck
Age 15
Birthday August 5th, 1991
Home Manhattan, New York, USA
Height 5'4" / 162 cm
Weight 120 lbs / 58.97 kg
Family Father and mother (Indigo).
Languages Fluent: English
Visible Marks Both ears are pierced.
Not readily visible Marks Has a small marijuana leaf tattooed on his back.
Year 1
Rank 40
Dorm 1F
History World History
Elective Art
Extracurriculars Drama and Basketball.
Played By Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Journal highfivecity



Lee's short and boyish in frame. Unfortunately for him, his growth spurt was more of a small nudge upwards, and he never quite filled out. He's often mistaken for being a lot younger than he is, something he uses to his advantage, particularly to get off lightly when he does something foolish in public. He's a measly 5'4" with a round face and large eyes, and looks to still have his baby fat on him. His hair is light brown with blonde highlights, usually messy and spiked with gel. He dresses casually, but almost exclusively in brand names, usually favoring tank tops and baggy pants. He's also particularly fond of an old pair of over-large, orange lensed sunglasses, which he feels makes him look "pimp". (In reality, they used to belong to his mom. He doesn't tell anyone this.)


The son of a successful stock-broker and a model-turned-starlet, Lee lived an extremely cushioned life in midtown Manhattan. He was educated, but not well, looked after, but not well, and generally let to do whatever he wanted. This, never being the wisest of parental moves, led to Lee getting away with just about anything he wanted. When his parents divorced when he was seven it barely affected him, as the two had been living apart for years and he'd never been close to his father to begin with. When he was 12, he met Dmitri, the son of a real estate agent that was showing his mother around new apartments. The two became fast friends and set to immediately annoying the piss out of everyone. When Dmitri told Lee he'd gotten a scholarship to an expensive boarding school, Lee easily appealed to his mother for the money, and she sent an exorbant amount to the school to gain him admission.


Keywords: Stupid, cheerful, expressive, energetic, clumsy, snotty, and loud.

Lee is a social little bee. He's cheerful, mischievous, expressive, and wildly optimistic. He has a reputation for being something of a jester, which (as mentioned earlier!) he rarely gets in trouble for, partially because he looks younger than he is, and partially because he's effing loaded. He's not very bright (read: dumb as a brick) but he means well, and he tries hard to keep all of his friends in good spirits. He's also a little stuck up, thanks to his background, but he rarely shows it consciously.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

He had enough money to follow his friend Dmitri Schaefer, and his mom was pleased to have an excuse to get him out of her apartment.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Red
  • Food Spaghetti
  • Activity (Trying to) pick up chicks
  • Subject P.E.
  • Other Likes Nice cars, porno, fast food, his band, paintball, comic books, and LOUD NOISES.

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Yellow
  • Food Raisins
  • Activity Reading
  • Subject English
  • Other Dislikes Fancy parties, diet food, being teased about his height, his full first name, rodents, and romantic comedies.



  • NONE
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