Ceridwen Turcotte

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Ceridwen Turcotte
Player: Minitsu
Date of Birth: December 27, 1989
Age: 17
Journal: andleavetherest
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs


Ceri has long, blonde hair, narrow green eyes, and a sharp face that's usually expressionless. (Maybe there's some aloofness in there.) In fact, rarely will she show anything other than a straight face, which, coupled with her height, has the tendency to unnerve and intimidate others.

When not in school uniform, she dresses fashionably, but plainly. The only real "feminine" thing she wears are a pair of earrings, one a stud and the other a chain-link. Also of note is her chest, which is...exceptionally large. COUGH.

Ceri is PB'd by Scarlett Johansson.


Apathetic. That is Ceri's word. She honestly and truly does not give a shit about 99.9% of what's going on. People lead to their own downfall, why should she care? She won't lead to her own, and that's really all that matters in the end. She does what is required of her, and does it without effort, because she doesn't need effort to do it well. The only thing that she actually tries at are the sports she's fond of, but other than that? Nothing.

Ceri is decisive. She makes decisions in a snap, carries them out without delay. Doing anything else would just be a waste of time. You only regret if you made the wrong decision. She doesn't see herself capable of that.

She thinks people are "judgemental idiots" without really realizing that she is one herself. Unconsciously, she knows this, but again, just brushes it off. Ceri does think she's better than a lot of other people. In fact, she knows it. She doesn't call it arrogance, though, just facts.


Anything that she might have cared for...her younger brother, Wales, even her nanny--she pushes them aside, because nostalgia is just a hindrance and a waste of time.

So she tells herself she doesn't care.

Maybe she does.

But maybe she really doesn't.


Born to a successful owner of a chain of hotels in the tourist city of Swansea that had the notorious reputation of having a new wife every few months, Ceri grew up in the hands of a nanny and, when it was apparent that she could take care of herself, alone. Rarely did she and her father ever meet, let alone sit down and chat, and on the rare occassions that he would introduce his new wife to her, Ceri's ice-like demenor would either offend them into a huff or bring them to tears.

So he stopped introducing them.

When passing words were shared and the topic turned to how he was being irresponsible and not leaving much to be desired, he stopped talking to her.

Ceri honestly didn't care. She thought it was a waste of time in the first place.

When it was brought up that she wouldn't be such a good heir, where were her social skills, why wasn't she focusing completely on school, she wouldn't be able to run a business with her personality, he had another child and made sure Ceri wouldn't attract any more attention.

That was fine by her. She could continue playing football and move onto archery and swimming without any nagging.

When this child, a younger brother by seven years, grew old enough to begin learning the basics of the business, her father decided it would be best to send Ceri to a school of her choice, where she could be happier. In truth, he wanted her gone so that she wouldn't be an influence on the boy.

Sure, whatever. Maybe a different place would prove some sort of entertainment for her; life was so dull and monotonous.

So she printed out a list of high ranking schools and attached it to a dart board, blindfolded herself, and threw.

"Second Heaven" it was.

(Ceri thought it was a pretty corny name, but eh.)

Shipped off to Second Heaven, with tidings and well-beings from her father, who had not been present at her departure, and chose to use a note instead. Her brother had, however, thrown a fit, as he was apt to follow Ceri around given the chance, and refused to leave his room that day, too.

So she left on her own.

Dorming proved a tad bothersome, as up until then Ceri hadn't had to share space with others so closely, but was quickly brushed off. Dorming with her was basically dorming alone; she hardly socialized or tried to get to know you, and was so terribly neat and orderly that it looked as if no one had used her bed.

As was the same in Wales, she made no effort to make friends in class, stuck to herself, and more or less stood out like a sore thumb. If she looked like she wasn't paying attention and was called on, she could give the correct answer, could pick up from wherever was left off--everything she did was done in such an effortless manner that many found her to be a snob of sorts.

And when she chose Humanities over Science, people gawked.

Fine by her.

They were judgemental idiots, anyway. Nothing had changed since Wales. Such was life.

Other Information

Birth Location: Swansea, Wales
Why Second Heaven?: Completely random.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: None / Fruits (berries) / Swimming / None
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: None / Fish / None / None
Likes: Organization, cleanliness, the sunset, football, archery, reading.
Dislikes: Disorganization, filth, incompetance, indecisiveness, irresponsibility, loud noises.
Family: Father, brother (younger, [10]).
Language: Wenglish (heeheehee), Welsh (fluent).

School Information

Year: 3
Rank on testing: 5
Classroom: 3-1
History?: World
Art?: Writing
Science/Humanities: Humanities (Japanese Literature + World Literature)

Clubs: --
Sports: Archery, Football, Judo, Swimming

Weekly Schedule:
515 - 745AM Archery (independent practice) OR Swimming (independent practice)
430 - 545PM Football [summer/fall] / 430 - 545 Swimming [winter]

515 - 745AM Archery (independent practice) OR Swimming (independent practice)
645 - 900PM Judo

515 - 745AM Archery (independent practice) OR Swimming (independent practice)
430 - 545PM Football [summer/fall] / 430 - 545 Swimming [winter]
645 - 900PM Archery

515 - 745AM Archery (independent practice) OR Swimming (independent practice)
645 - 900PM Judo

515 - 745AM Archery (independent practice) OR Swimming (independent practice)
430 - 545PM Football [summer/fall] / 430 - 545 Swimming [winter]

515 - 745AM Swimming (independent practice)
1200 - 400PM Archery

515 - 745AM Archery (independent practice) OR Swimming (independent practice)


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