Membership Board

From Ipon

Independent Pact of Nations
members*** Buesti and Ravoi Canatlan - Canatlan
Hesland - Khaled - Liberty Islands - Nemonos
Odeschyna - Pridnestrova - San Pedro - Sakhaliya
Tientsin-Fort Bayart - Vincenzia - West End
events *** IPON summits - IPON EXPO
Pan Union Games - IPON-SCJU Inter-Union Week of Cultural Dialogue
independent initiatives *** Earth Conservation Program
Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid
Science, Culture and Education Organisation
Fund for the Advancement of Transportation and Public Works
Tourism Initiative - Independent Defence Initiative
regulations *** Summit Protocol
Application Guidelines and Requirements - Recruitment Protocol
New Application Protocol - Inactive Members Protocol
Membership Board - Protocols Board - Voting Protocol - Defence Committee


Passed (4 votes in favour; 1 vote against)

The aim of the Membership Board will be to:

  1. Keep an up to date list of Full Members, with links to their CJ/MD
  2. Keep an up to date list of Inactive Members
  3. Keep an up to date IPON world map
  4. Keep an up to date list of all IPON flags
  5. Help members keep their wiki pages up to date
  6. Help new applicants with their applications (e.g. Suggest what to include to get votes)

They will have NO extra voting rights or decision making abilities. The role is one to help the smooth running of the IPON Members Showcase and Applications forums. The Membership Board will have three members.

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