Turaga High Council

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Revision as of 03:43, 3 February 2010 by Turaga Dlakii (Talk | contribs)
Turaga High Council
Headquarters Nyriac Tower
Leader Arukka
Status Active
Purpose To govern and protect the

Matoran of the Northern Isles

Allies Almost all Matoran, Toa and Turaga
Enemies most Makuta and Juurhinka

The Turaga High Council is the Matoran ruling body of the Northern Isles. Its power extends only to the Matoran populace and islands dominated by Matoran; with few exceptions, islands not fitting this criteria are not affected by any form of law laid by the Council.



Much of the Turaga High Council's history is presently unknown. However, the organisation has been active for thousands of years, since a short time after Matoran first settled in the Northern Isles. Their present actions are also something of a mystery.


The Turaga High Council is a ruling body comprised of Representatives from each of its territories. These Representatives are Turaga (or Matoran on rare occasions) tasked with ruling a region. In the Council, the Representatives debate on issues and vote on laws relating to said issues in an open format.

The Council is led by an elected leader, or Governor. Though the Governor is politically elevated to be more powerful than the standard Representatives, he is still very much at the mercy of the rest of the Council, and cannot overrule majority-ruled motions of the Council. Primarily, the Governor serves as a public representative of the Council as a whole and is tasked with maintaining order within Council sessions. The Governor is always assisted by the Lord Toa of the time.



  • Turaga Dlakii has been offered the role of Turaga of Port Spirit on some occasions, but has always refused for reasons unknown.
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