Daxian Archipelago

From '''UTWiki''', the [[The Unknown Turaga Saga|Unknown Turaga]] Wiki.

Daxian Archipelago
Area Far west of the Northern Continent,
far south of Dracos Nui
Island Consists of seven small islands
Inhabitants Matoran, Toa
Terrain Heavy forest

The Daxian Archipelago, named so due to its proximity to a passage to the Matoran Universe island of the same name, is a chain of seven islands, six of which are clustered around the largest. The home island of the current Governor, Arukka, the Archipelago is the second most Matoran-populated island in the Northern Isles, surpassed only by the Northern Continent itself.

Locations of the Northern Isles
Matoran islands
Northern Continent (Port Spirit | Nyriac | Lake Kiril) | Daxian Archipelago | Erhmata | Khabaran | Aerrock Nui
Levoctos islands
Other species' islands
Dracos Nui (Mount Hatau) | Makuta Chain
General geographical phenomena
Great Ocean | Mutagen Strait | The Darkness (Dracos Tunnels)
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