Great Ocean

From '''UTWiki''', the [[The Unknown Turaga Saga|Unknown Turaga]] Wiki.

Great Ocean
Area The entire Northern Isles except the Mutagen Strait
Island The entire Northern Isles
Inhabitants Countless sea Rahi
Terrain Deep ocean

The Great Ocean is a Matoran name for the enormous ocean which contains the entire Northern Isles; other species have their own name for it.


The Great Ocean has existed since the absolute beginning of the Northern Isles, predating the formation of all landmasses. Over time, life began to form in the ocean, some of which departed onto the newly-formed land and eventually became the Levoctos. Since that time, the only truly significant change in the Great Ocean has been the formation of the Mutagen Strait, an event closely predating the arrival of the Matoran.


With the sole exception of the Mutagen Strait, the Great Ocean consists of pure water with few to no impurities, as opposed to the protodermis liquid of the Matoran Universe. The ocean appears to stretch eternally in every distance, and whether or not there is some sort of end to it is unknown, as none have traveled so far and returned to tell of it. Similarly, the number of islands it holds is also unknown, but is thought to number above the hundreds.

Generally, the ocean is extremely deep, its floor remaining by and large unexplored. The deepness sharply decreases close to islands, in a manner akin to a mountain.

Locations of the Northern Isles
Matoran islands
Northern Continent (Port Spirit | Nyriac | Lake Kiril) | Daxian Archipelago | Erhmata | Khabaran | Aerrock Nui
Levoctos islands
Other species' islands
Dracos Nui (Mount Hatau) | Makuta Chain
General geographical phenomena
Great Ocean | Mutagen Strait | The Darkness (Dracos Tunnels)
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