Captain America

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Interior Art From The Ultimates 3. Art by Bryan Hitch.

Real Name Steve Rogers

Aliases None

Identity Publicly known

Occupation Soldier, U.S. government super-operative

Citizenship U.S.A.

Place of Birth Brooklyn, New York

Known Relatives Joseph Harvey Rogers (father, deceased), Sarah Alicia Rogers (mother, deceased), Douglas Lincoln Rogers (brother, deceased), unnamed nephew (deceased), unnamed niece, unnamed nephew-in-law

Group Affiliation The Ultimates; formerly U.S. Armed Forces

Education Unrevealed

Height 6'3"

Weight 250 lbs.

Eyes Blue

Hair Blond

Powers Captain America has enhanced strength, speed, endurance, agility and regenerative capacity; even severe injuries heal in days.

Abilities A tactical and strategic genius, Captain America has mastered numerous fighting forms and weapons, and can operate most standard military vehicles.

Weapons Captain America carries a metallic, round shield forged of pure Adamantium, rendering it bulletproof and highly resistant to most forms of damage.

Paraphernalia Captain America's costume is made of bulletproof Kevlar

First Appearance The Ultimates 1 (2002)

Significant Issues led attack on Nazi base, frozen, revived in modern day (Ultimates #1-3, 2002), fought Chitauri (Ultimates #10-13, 2002-2004)

In the Ultimate universe, Steve Rogers is a frail volunteer who undergoes months of steroid treatment, surgery, and the Super-Soldier formula to become Captain America. The American super soldier was developed during World War II and after the transformation, Captain America led the 101st Airborne on many missions. Bucky is a childhood friend who follows him on his missions as a photographer rather than as a costumed sidekick. On his final mission, Cap foiled a Nazi attempt to launch a prototype hydrogen bomb with coordinates pointed at the White House. The bomb was fired but Cap knocked it off course with a small explosive. The detonation sent Captain America into the frigid Arctic Ocean where he lay dormant in a state of suspended animation for many years, until Tony Stark's deep sea exploration team pulls him out of the water 57 years later. Through S.H.I.E.L.D. technology and the guidance of Dr. Bruce Banner, Captain America is revived and miraculously as fit as ever..Bucky survives the war, and, thinking that Rogers had been killed in action, marries Rogers' fiancée Gail.[67]

The Ultimate universe Captain America is more politically and morally conservative than his mainstream Marvel universe counterpart and is more prone to violent solutions, frequently using small arms and explosives. His costume is mostly the same, except that his mask lacks the traditional wings on the side of his head and his shoulders sport American star emblems. The mask was modified into a helmet as of Ultimates 2.

Rogers becomes one of the first members and field commander of the superhuman team the Ultimates, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s answer to posthuman terrorism. He tries to adjust to life in the 21st century, although he longs for older times and values, spending much time with Bucky and Gail (now senior citizens) and going to WWII veterans' reunions. Rogers wears a kevlar uniform and carries a shield of pure adamantium. He also dates Janet van Dyne, the Wasp, the estranged wife of former team member Henry Pym.[68]

A year later, it appears that Captain America repeatedly betrays the team, and S.H.I.E.L.D. places him in custody. The Black Widow is revealed as the traitor, aiding a coalition of countries invading America. When these invaders, who call themselves The Liberators appear to have defeated all American superheroes and effectively America itself, the Wasp frees him from his cell and they join the other few heroes as a resistance. After a pitched one-on-one battle with the Liberators' leader, Rogers kills him with his own weapon.[69]

Rogers is also a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant. In addition, his strength and recuperative abilities are remarkable, he has been shown bicep-curling 545 lb.[70] In the Ultimate Universe, Bruce Banner becomes the Hulk as a result of his experiments to recreate the Super-Soldier serum. Despite the Hulk being one of the strongest characters in the Ultimate Universe, Rogers takes on the Hulk in hand-to-hand combat, knocking him down momentarily. Rogers also defeats Henry Pym in melee combat while Pym is in his almost 60-foot tall Giant Man form, in retaliation for Pym having beaten the Wasp during a domestic dispute.The Ultimates 8

The Ultimates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

The Ultimates 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13

The Ultimates Annual 1, 2

Ultimate Spider-Man 24, 70, 105

Ultimate Fantastic Four 21, 32

Ultimate War 1, 2, 3, 4

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 0

Ultimate Adventures 3, 4

Ultimate Six 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Ultimate Nightmare 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Ultimate Extinction 2, 3, 4, 5

Ultimate Vision 5

Ultimate Power 2, 3, 4, 5

[edit] Bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes from The Ultimates 7. Art by Bryan Hitch

[edit] Gail Barnes

Gail Barnes from The Ultimates 7. Art by Bryan Hitch

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