Ultimate Spider-Man 24

From Ultimarvel

Cover to Ultimate Spider-Man 24. Art by Mark Bagley

[edit] “Ultimatum”

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Inker: Art Thibert

Editor: Ralph Macchio

Publication Date: September 2002

Nick Fury materializes in the classroom where Peter had been called. He introduces himself to Peter and informs him that Norman Osborn is going to order Peter to kill Fury. Fury tells Peter that since Peter is a minor, S.H.I.E.L.D. has no jurisdiction over him.

• Fury tells Peter the history of the Super Soldier project and how Norman was involved with it. He also informs Peter that Norman has been constantly exposing himself to the Oz compound and that this has mentally unbalanced him. Fury also informs Peter that Norman’s condition was from an attempt to make himself like Peter.

• Fury informs Peter that even though S.H.I.E.L.D. is aware of and know Norman’s intentions, they cannot act against him because they have obtained this information through illegal surveillance. Fury tells Peter that until Norman does something public, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot act. Fury tells Peter the moment Norman acts, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be there to protect his family.

Peter leaves the classroom to see Harry and MJ. He runs from them and returns home. Here he finds May about to get into a limo, accepting an invitation from Norman Osborn to have dinner in the city. She tells Peter she though he was coming with Harry. Peter tells May that he doesn’t want to go to this dinner and that Norman is not a nice man and might be a criminal. May then rejects the dinner invitation and sends the limo away.

• Peter makes his way into the city as Spider-Man and sees Norman Osborn, in Goblin form, on a rooftop. Peter stops to confront him. Norman notes that Peter did not throw his costume away and then threatens Peter. Peter tells Norman that he is not responsible for Norman’s condition and will not have any part with Norman’s plans. Norman responds that Peter will learn his responsibilities to him and jumps off of the building.

Mary Jane arrives at the Osborn skyscraper with Harry. They indicate that they are expecting Peter to join them. Norman in goblin form lands on the street with them, grabs MJ, and bounds away.


- When Peter asks Nick Fury how they know about him, Agent Bradley answers “The Osborn Industries security tape, Otto Octavius hypnosis transcripts, the Latverian assault at the U.N. …”

- Nick Fury lost his eye from a person that told him “Optimism is a revolutionary act.”

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