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TS Chat

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 23:18, 10 December 2007 by Slagar (Talk | contribs)

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Post Info Slagar 12th of December, 2007 (EST)
Content Whoa. That's weird. By the way, is there a page for those little black things that attack you in the Mansion of Madness? You know, the flying ones with red eyes.
Post Info Drifting 13:17, 7 December 2007 (EST)
Content I just noticed we have 666 articles. Crazy, huh?
Post Info Drifting 16:44, 6 December 2007 (EST)
Content Dj, I wasn't blaming anything on anyone. The only reason I said anything is because I'd been the only one making edits for 2 days.
Post Info Xylaquin 11:18, 6 December 2007 (EST)
Content Please remember to use the chat system Djm.
Post Info Djmaster2
Content I can,t find anything to do either!!!! So don't blame it on me buster!!!!!-Dj master2
Post Info ILHI 12:12, 5 December 2007 (EST)
Content Only because
  • The admins are lazy (as stated in Xylaquin's profile)
  • That koopa fellow has gone
  • Djmaster isn't adding anything and making more accounts and stuff
  • Bots have no chance of spamming, usual spammers are the only thing left

The only thing we can do now really is add TS1 Challenge pages. And me and Xyl' have the game, but again, stated in Xyl's profile, he's lazy when it comes to content. As am I.

Basically, meh.

Post Info Drifting 19:30, 4 December 2007 (EST)
Content That user has been banned and everything is back the way it was.

Is it just me or does it seem dead around here?

Post Info Vermilion Maiden 4 December 2007
Content Hi. Someone took everything off the Jo-Barf Creepy page. The page just says something about this being the end of TimeSplitters.
Post Info Xylaquin 15:29, 29 November 2007 (EST)
Content I've added new stickies for everyone's profiles. The PS3, 360 and Wii are now official stickies which can be used in the standard way.

Chat Archives

Ever so often when the page gets big, it is cut and pasted into these archives and the chat page is clean for more chat!

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