Template:AA Members

From Tennis


2. (A) The subscribers to the memorandum of association of the club and such other persons as are admitted to membership in accordance with the articles shall be Members of the club. No person shall be admitted a Member of the club unless he is approved by the committee. Every person who wishes to become a Member must be over 18 years of age and proposed by one Member of the club and seconded by another (to both of whom he must be personally known) and shall deliver to the club an application for membership in such form as the committee require, signed by him. The categories of membership shall be decided by the committee and set out in the Bye Laws.

(B) The annual and other subscriptions and entrance fee (if any) are to be such as the committee from time to time prescribe. The Committee may provide either generally or as respects any particular Member for payment of annual subscriptions by instalments.

(C) Subject to the express provisions of the articles and to the memorandum of association and to any rules or bye-laws made by the committee, for the time being in force, all Members of the club are entitled, at all such times as the club is open, to use all the premises and property of the club in common, and to be supplied, at such charges as the committee from time to time determine, with whatever meals refreshments, things and services are provided by the club for the use of its Members.

(D) The committee may admit children of Members or wards of Members who make written application for such status to be Junior Associate Members of the club. Junior Associate Members shall not as such be Members of the club for the purposes of the Act or of these articles. Junior Associate Members shall receive such privileges and shall be subject to such obligations (as to the payment of subscriptions or otherwise) as are laid down by the committee from time to time and/or fixed at general meeting.

3. (A) A Member may at any time withdraw from the club by giving at least seven clear days’ written notice to the club. Membership shall not be transferable and shall cease on death.

(B) The committee may at their discretion terminate the membership of any Member or Junior Associate but the requirements of natural justice shall be respected and a Member or Junior Associate shall be entitled to be heard in his own defence by the committee or a sub-committee thereof.

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