Super Saturday: Club Finals 19th July 2008

From Tennis

as faithfully reported in the Esher News and Mail

A message from our Chairman

I think everyone who attended the finals day on Saturday the 19th will agree that it was a huge success with some incredibly entertaining tennis from all the finalists. The barbecue afterwards followed by presentations was a great social event. May I thank all the volunteers (who are not on the committee) who made this event possible:

  • Umpires,
    • David Francis,
    • Roop Chohan,
    • Richard Shelley,
    • Jeremy Sharp,
    • Kevin McGeehan (with a little help from the contestants!),
    • Chris Lewis,
  • Barbecue duties,
    • Mally Freeman.
    • Jack Freeeman (and music),
    • Cathy Welch,
    • Elizabeth Meatyard,
    • Tom Kelly.
  • Bar duties:
    • Roger Marlowe (soon to be knighted!). Roger should have had assistance but I had underestimated the number of alcoholics attending. Well done Roger.
  • Clearing Up:
    • Lloyd Furber (a cleaner at heart)

Apologies if I have left anyone out.

Andrew Meatyard.

Post-Match Report

10 finals were played on the grass courts in breezy but dry weather. All matches featured a good standard of tennis throughout, holding the interest of a large number of spectators. A very fine home-made afternoon tea was laid on by Nicki Boddy and Anne Simpson. And in the evening, chefs Shaun and Jack Freeman produced a well-received barbecue. Special thanks to Elizabeth Meatyard for a fabulous array of salads.

Trophies were presented after the barbecue.


Men's Singles

  • Winner: David North
  • Runner-up: Hamish Peebles

Ladies' Singles

  • Winner: Grace McGeehan
  • Runner-up: Sophie Meatyard

Men's Doubles

  • Winners: Peter Light and Lloyd Furber
  • Runners-up: Jeremy Sharp and Alan Thomson

Ladies' Doubles

  • Winners: Cathy Welch and Belinda Powrie
  • Runners-up: Veronica Whittall and Ros Holmes

Mixed Doubles

  • Winners: Sophie Meatyard and David North
  • Runners-up: Grace McGeehan and Peter Light

Men's Plate

  • Winner: Cameron McGeehan
  • Runner-up: Eoin Hargreaves

Men's Plate

  • Winner: Cameron McGeehan
  • Runner-up: Eoin Hargreaves

Girls' Under-15 Singles

  • Winner: Alison Thomson
  • Runner-up: Hannah Bracewell

Boys' Under-15 Singles

  • Winner: Freddie McGeehan
  • Runner-up: Rob Hutton-Attenborough

Boys' Under-15 Doubles

  • Winners: Cameron and Freddie McGeehan
  • Runners-up: Rob and Matt Hutton-Attenborough

Boys' Under-12 Singles

  • Winner: Harry Meatyard
  • Runner-up: Max Salisbury

Event Financial Accounts

All surplusses to go to the Floodlighting Fund.

Afternoon Tea

£30:00 was collected. Nicki and Anne have generously said they do not wish to be reimbursed for their costs.



  • 36 adult tickets sold at £5 = £180
  • 20 child tickets sold at £3 = £60
    • Total income £240 (less four child tickets still owed) = £228


  • 50 burgers and 70 sausages from Peter Dale Butchers = £63
  • Buns, onions, sauces, and gas = £20
  • Salads = £37
    • Total expenses £120


  • Profit on barbecue = £108 plus £12 to come
  • Plus afternoon teas at £30
    • TOTAL PROFIT = £150

General Comments

The committee aims to make Finals Day a full day that all members can attend. This year there were some outstanding tennis to watch during the day with 10 finals spread over all age groups and in the evening a great barbecue with music—thanks, Jack—and a presentation of 28 trophies.

Remember to keep the full day free next year when organising your diaries.

Best wishes

The Tournament Committee

Photographic Evidence

<plain_html> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> </plain_html>

A selection of photos taken at the event are available for download at flickr.

Notice of the Event

Finals Day starts at 1:45 pm and there will be 10 finals played. The bar will be open from early afternoon. There will be afternoon tea at approximately 3:30 pm. There will be a barbecue in the evening, along with music supplied by Jack Freeman and the presentation of trophies.

Order of Play

Courts 1, 3, 4 and 6 will be used for the finals with seating available for spectators adjacent to each court.

Note: all finals will be decided on a best-of-three-sets basis, with tie breaks at 6-6 in every set.

  COURT NO. 1          MENS SINGLES               LADIES DOUBLES               *****  NO PLAY *****
  COURT NO. 3          LADIES SINGLES             MENS DOUBLES                 MIXED DOUBLES
  COURT NO. 4          BOYS U15 SINGLES           GIRLS U15 SINGLES            BOYS U15 DOUBLES
  COURT NO. 6          MENS PLATE                 BOYS U12 SINGLES            ****** NO PLAY *****

Trophy Presentation and Barbecue

There will be an early evening barbecue with trophy presentation and music. The barbecue consists of top-quality burgers and sausages [from Peter Dale butchers) and salads. The cost is £5.00 per adult and £3.00 per child. All profitswill go to the floodlighting fund.

Buy your barbecue tickets during the day as there will be a limited number of meals being cooked. No ticket, no meal.


Graeme Boddy

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