Atticus Galfridus
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Atticus Reginald Galfridus is a Freikorps officer with the rank of Colonel, Stahlhelm.
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NonCanon Information
The Atticus character is the creation and primary character of Another Random Geek, who joined the Freikorps at 21:39 on Friday, March 27th. ARG, as he is often called, was brought to the Freikorps by fellow member Zeth. His initial posting was as a Colonel of the Stahlhelm forces.
Personnel File
1.8 meters (~6'), with somewhat short brown hair, fair skin, blue eyes, his expression generally a frown or smirk unless with friends, Atticus's voice is low and dry. He is left handed and has no facial hair, thanks to his incredible ability to shave. He enjoys wearing a t-Shirt and blue jeans when out of uniform.
Dry, cynical, impatient, yet loyal, Atticus makes it a point to ably distinguish between friends and allies, and has no issues with sacrificing an alliance of opportunity for the sake of his men. As he will point out, just because an enemy is the enem of your enemy, it does not make you friends. Atticus himself thinks of himself as an asshole, as most people tend to before they get to know him. Privately, he is spiritually troubled--he cannot figure out if he believes in a God or Gods or not, struggling to reconcile the scientific improbability of any greater presence of being anything but a consensual mass delusion with his complete and utter insignificance in an uncaring universe. Though he has never shared this with anyone, he thinks the Friekorps' “The Ends Justify The Means” philosophy is a dangerous one, and may come back to haunt it, believing that if you abandon your morals during times of strife, they aren’t morals, just hobbies or so many playthings. Despite this, when deploying his forces, he only uses overwhelming force, unwilling to trade the lives of his soldiers for any others.
Atticus Galfridus is primarily associated with the Marine Deployment Command.
Personal History
Atticus was born on Takaran Imperial Planet Seperus Prime (a cold desolate world that was little more than a Takaran military garrison), but moved away and joined the Galactic Armada, serving in Takari's equivalent to the Terran Marines, the Imperial Legion, by age 23 because he was bored and angry, and thought being paid to make things explode sounded fun. Atticus’s weapon of choice is a durable, long range assault rifle, which, for some inexplicable reason, he has named “Precious” and disdains the use of swords, claiming “If the enemy is close enough for you to use a sword, you fucked up.”
As a Lieutenant-Colonel, Atticus wrote “The Standard GA Wording Manual,” a parody of the excessive amounts of euphemisms used during press releases. In it, he cynically explained what words and sentences not to use, and what to replace them with. (IE: Remember not to say: “We have destroyed the enemy’s culture and replaced it with a shallow mockery of our own. Instead say: “Cultural assimilation is progressing smoothly.”) His Commanding Officer at the time didn’t get that it was a joke, and had it published and sent to military academies across the galaxies, stating that it was necessary that the GA press releases should not harm the fighting spirit of people at home.
At first, Atticus thought that his CO was abnormally stupid, and that this was all going to come back and bite him in the ass when somebody figured out he was writing a very thinly veiled satire. It didn’t. Instead he was put on the fast track to promotion, lauded as the first of a new wave of military intellectuals. Atticus concluded that people were stupid. He decided to go with the flow and continue writing various treatises on military tactics and public relations, only seriously this time around. Though all were lauded, none had quite the success of “The Standard GA Wording Manual,” something that irks him to no end, as he firmly believes his books on the tactical application of orbital shock troops actually have military value, unlike his satirical propaganda manual.
At 49, He transferred to the Terran Marines because “The food is better, the chicks are looser, and there’s easier money,” hoping that they would prove to be more competent than the Takarans, whom he views as soft for being "on-top" of the Perseus Arm for too long. He was proved correct. In regards to the food and chicks at any rate. While Terrans demonstrated the same capability for stupidity as Takarans, the millennia of experience fighting among themselves they had accumulated over the years had given them a knack for war, putting them at a parallel with Takari in power and tactics, maybe better. Atticus believes a war is won quickly, or not at all, and is currently working with friend and colleague, Terran Major Al Wright on various blitzkrieg tactics, that could allow a relatively small amount of troops to achieve a breakthrough. Though most valued as a tactical expert, Atticus insists on deploying with his Marines, insisting he has no right to command them, without taking the same risks.