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From Greenthings

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Alexander Mondegreen Eclipse, An-Teng.
Caoin Ó Conaill Dawn, Hundred Kingdoms.
Ishinomorel Dawn, Northern Bordermarches.
Yushoto Melanthis Eclipse, Lookshy.
Wandering Crystal Prince Zenith, the Northeast.


Angel of Forgotten Grace Day, ExoWoD/ExMod.
Lotus-Devouring Havoc Blossom Moonshadow, the South.
Jean leNoir Midnight, ?.
Kythe Sallnir Day, The South.
Lingering Smoke Midnight, Gem.
Seven Rent Veils Day, the Northeast.
The Winds That Marched Against The Sea Moonshadow, Bluehaven.


Alexander Mitsrayim Changing Moon, Chiaroscuro.
Jeff Redshadow No Moon (Akuma), the Northwest.
Rhys ak Femeril Casteless, the Dowager's realm.
Sa'id Longstrider Waxing Moon, Varang.


Alexander Mitsrayim Secrets, Chiaroscuro.
Incomparable Rainbow Storm Serenity, Blessed Isle.
Ulakomoros Kalil Endings, Blessed Isle.
Kheileos Skipping Stone Journeys, the East.
Kimai Secrets, Whitewall.
Kythe Sallnir Endings, The South.
Karal Flying Lance Serenity, Lookshy.
Five Bent Fortunes Battles, Lookshy.
Omen of Peace Serenity, Opal Court.
Sa'id Il-Terinth Journeys, Varang.
Thrall Endings, Wavecrest.
Yandaskein Amber-cloud Journeys, the West.


Xaliotl Fire Aspect, the South.
Yushoto Melanthis Wood Aspect, Lookshy.



Alex Meriweather, Ozymandias Ladder Mastigos.
Caleb Hightower, Cambion Ladder Thyrsus.
Donna De Luca, Inanna Guardian Moros.
Kevin Stevenson, Kheileos Arrow Thyrsus.
Smoke Mysterium Acanthus.
Steven Arrow, Paul Ladder Moros.
Theodosius "Thatch" Williams, Agape Free Council Acanthus.
Dmitry Volkova, Shaiva Arrow Obrimos.


Alex Meriweather, Tzadkiel Spring Court Telluric.
Donna, Doña Sebastiana Autumn Court Mirrorskin.
Jaymie Elderton Autumn Court Polychromatic.
Carl Demarquette, Mister Winter Court Airtouched/Snowskin.
Peace Summer Court Hunterheart.
Sa'id Summer Court Fireheart/Flamesiren.
Dmitry "Thrall" Volkova Summer Court Darkling.


Alissa Jonsdottir Rahu Iron Master.
Victor Mordecai Ransom Cothburn, Jr., Isengrim Ithaeur Storm Lord.
Joseph Emberlain, Strange Peace Cahalith Ghost Wolf.
Rhys Adler Ithaeur Hunter in Darkness.
Sa'id Elodoth Storm Lord.


Antonin di Verracia Invictus Gangrel Eldervamp.
"Bird" Ruark Invictus Gangrel.
Bryce Martinez Unaligned Ventrue.
Jeff Ordo Dracul Gangrel.
Louis Flambeau Lancea Daeva.
Robert Graham Crone Mekhet.


Lance Woodburn Hunter, the Union.
Charlie Lancaster, Wind Wolf-Blooded+Second Sight.


Alex Meriweather Advocate Forgotten.
Sydney "Angel" Kapur Reaper Torn.
Jaymie Elderton Celebrant Stricken.
Joel Chase Gatekeeper Silent.
Rhys Adler Bonepicker Prey.


Alex M. Monsters & Other Childish Things.
Kevin W. Monsters & Other Childish Things.
Joseph "Peace" Emberlain Scion:Hero- Scion of Ares.
Thatch Scion:Hero- Scion of Lucifer.
Valentín Xiuhpopoca Velázquez Scion:Hero- Scion of Tezcatlipoca.


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Old Page Until I can get it all re-organized.

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