
From Greenthings


[edit] Introduction

[edit] Character Sheet

Chosen of Secrets
Motivation: Protect the pretty secrets that fuel everything else.
Anima: A pale green, spiky, twisting halo of light.


Str ** Dex ***** Sta ***
Cha **** Man ***** App *****
Per ***** Int **** Wits ***


Investigation *****
Larceny *****
Lore ****
Occult ***
Stealth ****

Awareness *****
Integrity ***
Martial Arts *****
Presence ****

Bureaucracy ***
Craft (Fate) **
Linguistics **

Archery ***
Athletics *
Dodge **
Ride ***

Performance **
Socialize ***

Investigation (Really Embarassing Secrets) *
Martial Arts (Blind-Fighting) **
Stealth (I Am Totally Unimportant) *

Virtues- Cmp *** Con ** Val *** (Tem) **** | Flawed Fate: 0/10
Intimacies: Being Respected, Being Necessary, Being Genuinely Liked, Soft Fluffy Things
Essence- **** Personal (/) | Peripheral (/) | Committed-
HL - 0 1 1 2 2 4 I | Exp: Spent: | Willpower- ***** **

Amnesia (most of life pre-Exaltation, -3)
Claws (+1), Enhanced Sense (Hearing, Smell, +2), Air Adaptation (+1);
Diet (carnivore, -1), Eyes of Wicked Madness (-2)

Prior Warning (6m)
Expected Pain (3m)
Of the Shape of the World (5m)
3rd Larceny (3m)
3rd Stealth (3m)
Underling Invisibility Practice (4m)
Thought-Swiping Distraction (5m,1w)
Name-Pilfering Practice (5m)
Dream Confiscation Approach (6m,1w)
Methodology of Secrets (5m)
Preservation of Resolve (2m/+1MDV)
1st Presence (1m/per)
Presence Essence Auspicious (1m/per or 4m,1w)
Avoiding the Truth Technique (3m)
Impose Motivation (3m)
Can't Hurt Me:
Sidereal Shell Games (1m+(2m/per), 1w)
Unwavering Well-Being Meditation (5m)
Blinding the Boar (5m,1w)
3rd MA (3m)
Generalized Ammunition Technique (1m)
Crane Style:
Fluttering Cry of Warning (1m)
Empowering Justice Redirection (3m)
Crane Form (6m)
Crossed Wings Denial (0+m)
Humbling Enlightenment Commentary (-)
Meditative Discussion Style:
Cautious Comments (2m)
Well-Timed Words (5m)

Allies ***
Arsenal ***
Backing (Secrets) *
Backing (West) *
Connections ***** (need to find book to reread this)
Manse **
Panoply ***
Sifu **
Wealth ****

Crow **
Guardians **
Key *
Mask ***
Pillar **
Quiver **
Sorceror *
Treasure Trove *

[edit] Descriptions and Elaborations


Basic Description: 5', pale cream skin, small androgynous features; fluffy shoulder-length chocolate brown hair, fluffy chocolate-brown tail, chestfur, various other bits; sharp retractable claws on hands and feet, pointy teeth not big enough to really hurt people; exceedingly large, furry foxlike ears, and multicolored chaotic-swirly eyes overlaid with a field of green stars. Kimai usually wears loose, light-colored robes down to at least its ankles, dark leather gloves, and sandals or boots depending on comfort and how much it thinks people are going to stare at its feet. Even when it's not, it's rarely seen without its favorite blindfold, a dark green silk number screened with subtle patterns of gray and gold.
Personality: Variable, though it's usually very responsive to people who are nice to it, incredibly inquisitive, patient with mortals, eager to grab unattended nice things for itself, meddling, and prideful. It bites when annoyed or attacked by something much smaller than it, but becomes unnaturally calm when truly threatened.
Origin: The Frozen North. Well, probably.

Allies 3

Sifu 2

Manse 2

Backing and Connections

Wealth, Arsenal, and Panoply
Starmetal Short Powerbow ** (Core, usually attuned)
Paired Starmetal Hook Swords **(+*) (SotM, usually not attuned)
Resplendent Personal Assistant *, Prayer Transceiver Module **, Recorder of Everlasting Glories **, Cache Egg **
<Wildfire> costs...let's see.... 3m comitted in order to gain: Double move/dash/overland speeds. +2 difficulty to all tracking attempts, and +2 dice to Stealth actions to move silently. and the ability to cross any surface as though it were solid ground, be it made of rock, rice paper, water, or whatever
<Wildfire> +2m for the scene for an effect akin to Spider-foot style: You can move up walls and across ceilings, as long as you keep moving
<Wildfire> 1m per tick to maintain an impossible position while standing still, or to move across empty air. Cannot maitain a position in empty air (gotta keep moving) double all Knockback distances (got no traction!)
<Wildfire> see if Nate likes that
<Wildfire> if not, come talk to me again and we'll figure something else out

I wanted to leave it open what Kimai is mostly for setting-integration purposes, but also because amnesia fits the little thing's personality.

All those Mutations:

[edit] Notes

BP: 15?
M/F/M: +4 -6 = 17
Specialties = 15
Manse 2, Sifu 2, Allies 2,3 = 11
Perception 5 = 7
Temperance 4 = 4
Charisma 4 = 0

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