Characters/Doña Sebastiana

From Greenthings

Doña Sebastiana
Darkling Mirrorskin, Autumn Court

Str ** Dex ** Sta **
Int ** Wits *** Res **
Pre ** Man *** Com ***


Academics *
Investigation *
Occult ***
Politics **

Drive *
Firearms *
Larceny *
Stealth *

Empathy *
Expression **
Intimidation *
Persuasion **
Socialize **
Subterfuge ***

Empathy (Uncovering Secrets)
Occult (Supernal Lore)
Politics (Supernatural)
Stealth (Blending With the Crowd)

Wyrd ** Glamour 11/5 | Clarity 7
Def2 Init5 Sp9 | Health 7/7 Will *****


probably some darkness and smoke and vainglory up in here.

Allies (Mages- probably one or two specific people) **
Contacts (Something Political) *
Mantle (Autumn) *
New Identity *

Darkling- 9again Stealth, +1 glamour/per +1 wits/subt/stealth;
-1 Contracts day; -2 direct sunlight
mirrorskin- +3 Wits+Sub to mimic, Mein+Mask)

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