From Egs Mayhem

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Hey it looks like you passed the Sig test. Yay for you
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Mandros is your average necromancer. You know, the black cloaked, spell casting, skeleton summoning kind.
He is always seen with his winged skull named Cid (a product of his own necromancy). Cid is a product of pure magic having no existence prior to his being a skull therefore not truly a reanimated skull as he was never animated to begin with.
He currently has a farm somewhere in Canada to raise his alien clone kids.
- Get eye surgery
- Meet anyone from mayhem
- Go to a convention
- Go to a convention with anyone from mayhem
- OK my real name is nothing like my avatars name. (It's Scott if you where wondering).
- I'm at least 6'4" last i checked though was like 3 years ago.
- I weigh in at 210 and its all muscle (to tell the truth i lucked out and got it all through genetics).
- The reason i know so many pills for so many thing is because i work at a drug store. I personaly only take sleeping pills.
- I am always on MSN if I'm not then my internet is down.
- Current music interest: Swing
RP's I'm in
Massive Flaming Plane Crash Thread 2
Mayhem SIAFR
Kylen's InterDimensional Bar
Comment on me please
Thanks for commenting
- Frequents Let's Count to a Million!!!.
- One of the few people who ask thought-provoking questions in the Ask AP thread.
(Cause i got bored of seeing it in my Sig)
1 TF Gun, 1 Cookie in shiny plastic,1 Dead Fish,1 Squirrel Plushy,1 6-pack of unlabeled soda (less 3 cans)1 black dewrag,1 moodring, a pair of steel chopsticks , 1 Join Us 4 Happy Time by Sonic Team,1 catnip mouse, 1 ball of yarn, brain bleach, an Infinite Bag of Dice and an unending cooler of Canadian beer, a box of gourmet teas, a pewter figurine, a gray laser pointers, and some apple cobbler