From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 02:43, 20 November 2008 by MDM (Talk | contribs)

MDM is a easy-going, fun-loving person who recently joined Mayhem. He prefers to be called MDM, but will answer to Evan, his persona in LPW.

MDM is lawful order, although he does occasionally give in to his inner chaos. Evildoers beware. He also may choose to go Grammar Police when necessary. DO NOT INSULT GRAMMAR IN HIS PRESENCE!!!!!

MDM gives out TF gun mod kits for shooting tractor beams.

He inadvertently released the terror known as Mayhem Needs a Moderator upon the bunnies of Mayhem. It was originally intended to be a poll that quickly ballooned out of proportions. After several attempts to restore order (ultimately failing), MDM withdrew from the thread.

Inventor of the Super Headwall, Mega-Headwall, the Giga-Headwall, and the supremely dangerous Breaching Whale Attack which he uses on extremely rare occasions, or when someone is extremely stupid and decides to throw him in the ocean. This happened to Youwillneverknow once, but Nathan blocked it.

Creator of MDM's Spaceship Battle Thread.

It is not known if MDM is linked to the Vigilante Grammar Ninja.

Inadvertantly caused the creation of Eva, Evan's DWD'd twin, at Pixelhead777's ascension party.

Has been known to occasionally utter the phrase Boogity Niggle Pleck Spangle Furf. This phrase was not invented by MDM, but by one of his non-Mayhemite friends. It is meaningless if you don't know the backstory.

Most bunnies refer to him as MDM or his LPW persona, but HammerQueen calls him M for some strange reason. This is greatly appreciated.

Kudos to PixelHead777 for allowing me to expand on the various Headwalls and giving me the inspiration for the Breaching Whale Attack.

RP Characters

Michael Anderson: Galactic Union RP

Evan: LPW

  • A middle-ranking user of fire magic, Evan is the owner of Azure Fang, a self-made sword that was blessed by a powerful being.
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