Forum: Bible Owners of Christ

From Bubblegum Wiki

The following action is recommended by Bible Owners of Christ:

Please receive Jesus as your personal savior and urge him to come into your life.

You can use the pre-written message below and ask him into your heart.

Pre-written prayer-----

Dear Jesus:

Currently, I am a sinner and need forgiveness.

As a sinner, you died on the cross for my sins.

Please come into my heart and cleanse me of my sins in your precious blood.

Amen. -- 10:59, 27 September 2007 (EDT)

NO WAI. I'm proud who I am and i'm not going to ask a Jesus who was dead 2,000 years ago and still dead today. I don't need to find out who I am and neither should you.--Jtaylor1Class A 11:01, 27 September 2007 (EDT)

'nuff said.--Edtropolis 19:28, 4 December 2007 (EST)

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