From Badrp
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Basic Information
- Takhys: honesty
Upon Kielle's death (the moderator of Metaquotes), Kali posts an upset, whiny, originally public post on Siryn's journal. People respond in different ways. Takhys, who plays Hermes, attempts to make amends and is far politer than she need be. Kali immediately repays her with childish and paranoid accusations. - Quotes: infamy is cheap
Love her or hate her, Kali has achieved immortality among all Nexus RPers. Like many other 4-letter words, her name is both a noun and a verb. People still prefer that you not invoke her name on a regular basis. - List: known alts
Kali's alts have been many and varied. This list is not comprehensive, as we tend to go through long bouts of NOT GIVING A SHIT until she does something super crazy again. Most names have been confirmed by ex-mods of Sages and/or IP logging. As her writing style is quite distinctive, and she's completely unable to repress many personality tics or not respond to known provocations, we are pretty damn certain she plays these characters. - History: Sages wankery
This is a rough detailing of the various dramuhs that have lamentably cropped up on this illustrious community. Note that these may be revised in the future as players who were involved contact me and correct details.
E-mail Correspondence
- Ebonbird (Jun): mod-player interaction
These e-mails followed Edana's post to BRPS and ensuing fallout wankery on the post. Junmun and Kali discuss the possibility that Kali's actions as a mod are being interpreted a certain way by the majority of players. Or rather, Junmun discusses this possibility, and Kali shoots it down. - Hippolyta: mod-character interaction
Concerned that they may have gotten the wrong impression of each other, Hippolytamun e-mails what was then perceived as "the mods," a group of characters played by an ambiguous amount of moderators. Kali responds defensively. - Takhys: oh the irony
In a truly frightening twist of fate, Takhys and Kali discuss the strained relationship between their characters Hermes and Frank Castle, while making sure there is no corresponding frustration on each player's behalf. Or rather, Takhys participates in that conversation while Kali takes the opportunity to passive-aggressively snipe and not-so-subtly hint that Takhys needs to stop hanging out with certain people. - Metatron: motes and logs
"You have a mote in your eye, so you must forgive me the log in mine." After the majority of mods left due to one thing or another, Kali asked Metatron to mod for Sages. Metatron accepted and did a spectacular job, as anybody who remembers that period would agree. After finding out that Metatron also modded another community, however, one with a mod she had problems with in the past, Kali got very upset.
- Indigo: modcharacter-player interaction
When she agreed to meet Kali and a friend in an IRC chat to see if they could make any leeway with their problems, Indigo already did not feel comfortable, but she was willing to try. Unfortunately, things degenerate quickly, and it would be very difficult to point the majority of the blame on anybody but Kali. - Metatron: mod-mod interaction
Shortly after Metatron resigned from modding Sages, he anddayofjudah ended up talking about the various craziness that goes on behind the scenes when Kali's around.
Bad RPers Suck Posts
- Silverthorne: Stop Stirring Shit
A polite request to knock it off regrettably goes unheard. When Silverthorne is telling you in no uncertain terms that you're being an asshat, it is worth pausing and examining one's behavior. Such appears to be an alien discipline for Kali, however. - Edana: Mod Behavior
The first of many BRPS rants to come, Edana's frustration over the situation with Indigo turned into a major wankfest. Note Kali's use of multiple characters, none of whom get anything useful done. Note Olliemun, one of the other founding mods, actually talking to and having helpful dialogue with players. - Todd: Arbitrary Spelling Nazi
An Anita Blake character seems to have been mocked heavily for her spelling/grammatical errors, which led to the player deleting the post and the character. After that, Kali apparently decided to make proper spelling and grammar part of Sage's rules. Per usual, she enforced these rules sporadically (never against her friends or favored Marvel characters) and, as in what sparked Todd's post, for minor transgressions. Todd's post also marks the third nexodus, comprised of the Teen Titan fandom. -
vivian-shaw: like watching a clown slip on a banana peel
Urbanely discussing the irony of the current big ol' wank of the day, Vivian displays the kind of spiritedness that would surely get some racy comments about ankles back in the day. Sorry, I'll stop calling you Shirley.
- Known
- Ex-Mod: what a great friend
Bloody_Bottle, one of the founding mods of Sages, sentdayofjudah these screenshots that reveal how awesome of a friend Kali is. Troll the ones you love!
- Ex-Mod: what a great friend
- Suspected
- BRPS: anonymous trolling
I was getting increasingly fed up with anonymous trolls targeting my friends -- notably, the same people Kali hounds ICly on the boards. - Anonymouse: on Hermes
Though the discussion begins mostly civilly, ignoring the basic offensive premise and passive-aggressive whininess, friends are more openly hostile and the Anonymouse soon grows defensive. It eventually leaves in a huff. Which doesn't remind us at all of Kali. - Anonymouse: on Hippolyta and Wade
On this post where Wade and Hippolyta play out a scene involving a virtual reality helmet, an Anonymouse lashes out with accusations of Suedom. There's no clear motivation to this sudden trolling except, just maybe, that Kali was jealous of Hippolyta RPing with Wade.
- BRPS: anonymous trolling
Sages Posts
- Alt Abuse: definition of overkill
Dezmun posts, as others have before, without asking a question. Kali comments on her post several times as Frank, Jane, the Vision, Pyanfar Chanur, and, bizarrely, the alien from Mars Attacks. Note the usage of these alts to restate the same opinion, back each other up, and even laugh at her own jokes. - IC/OOC Hostility: no I'm not rude, YOU'RE rude
"Multiverse" clearly means "multiple universes," something which is a basic understanding of all Nexus RP. Kali comes dangerously close to breaking one of the cardinal rules of RP, which is that when another player says "Take a seat on that chair" you don't say "What chair? There is no chair." - IC/OOC Hostility: by the way, I'm IC
Earlier in the day, someone makes an extremely facetious post involving men wrestling in jello. Kali strikes a blow for equality and tolerance by posting a passive-aggressively chiding heterosexual version, yet is unable to interpret a very obvious satirical response as anything but openly hostile. - Alt Abuse: sprain something patting yourself on the back
Athena has been ragging on Hermes for some time now. His crime? Acting like the god of mischief. She receives timely back up from Kali herself, along with some "subtle" threats. - IC/OOC Hostility: who's afraid of Stephen Strange?
Answer -- Kali is. The doctor gently chides Frank for overreacting to someone making a present of a tank to Norman Osborn, a typical wacky Nexus endeavor. Frank suddenly materializes to take it Seriously. Kali's ever so subtle criticisms of other people's characterizations does not escape Strangemun's notice. - IC/OOC Hostility: you are a threat
It's worth noting that a T-watch (interversal transportation device) has already been distributed previously with no objection. Justin Forrester now attempts to distribute his own version, but Frank is ALL OVER this enterprising crack dealer. - IC/OOC Hostility: here we go again
Dezmun is an artist, and decides to show her drawing of her character to the Nexus. If you squint real closely at the comments from Kali and her MPD disorder (Jane, Pyanfar Chanur, Frank) you can see Kali screaming "YOU SLUT!!!!!" - IC/OOC Hostility: I'm not allowed to play?
RPing 101 -- Kali needs to go back. RP requires some form of conflict, however minor. Ending it abruptly with a Jesuspup also ends the RP. This is BASIC. ROLE-PLAYING. - IC/OOC Hostility: you're WRONG you're WRONG you're WRONG
Another charming look at Kali's abuse of alts to support her own arguments and bully people into shutting up if not agreeing with her. You'll note these sort of encounters will continue happening to certain players repeatedly, and with many different characters -- characters we had no idea at the time were played by the same person. Characters Kali often went to great lengths to depict as other players. Huh, I wonder WHY? - IC/OOC Hostility: don't cuss at me!
While primarily a good example of how Kali interprets everything people say to her as hostile, you'll also notice the whole tendency to comment as a character and then switch back to being Kali. Because nobody ever noticed that before, Kali. - IC/OOC Hostility: friendly child
Read this exchange with no background and it looks totally bland. Read this knowing that Tigra is Kali and that Hippolyta has been on the receiving end of comments like these for quite a while now, and it's KALILICIOUS. - IC/OOC Hostility: it's not my party but I'll cry if I want to
Hermes held a two day party. Day one was for his close friends. Day two is for everybody. Kali makes a point of telling him that she won't be attending. But she's such a saint, she'll make them some guacamole. Easy when it's all RP, isn't it? - IC/OOC Hostility: you're not kidding
And now, the interaction-with-Kali formula. 1) *joke* 2) Frank overreacts. 3) Gently point out you are joking. 4) Become recipient of criticism from various Kalialts. 5) Repeat ad nauseum. - IC/OOC Hostility: MORE OF THE SAME
Forgive the desperate tone, but one can only endure the formula so many times before reaching some kind of deadened, soulless nirvana.
Other Posts
- Siryn: I just want to play
Claiming to have been trolled anonymously (screenshots or links of this have not been forthcoming), Kali bemoans the fact that vicious people like us are linking to actual threads in which she does bitchy stuff. SHE JUST WANTS TO PLAYYYY. - Kali: olive branch
After an extended period of being totally unsympathetic and downright nasty to Indigo, Kali generously extends the olive branch to her .... on Kielle's death post. - Kali: don't make fun of Aspergers!!!
A BRPS discussion about the subject of the post leads to the discovery that the player in question has asperger's, and uses this to fend off criticisms. Most players are of the opinion that this has no bearing on the rant, especially since several criticizing players themselves have asperger's. With typical grace, Kali turns this on its side and fucks it in the ear. - Metatron: resigning
Having had enough of these wacky shenanigans, Metatron lists some alts and a few concise reasons for resigning as co-moderator. Shock! Awe! Amusement! - Silverthorne: free cluebyfour
Another of those hard-to-provoke players, Silverthorne is usually a bastion of laidback reason. In this case, an exasperated laidback bastion of reason, cause this shit is bananas, man -- G-W-E-N S-T-E-F-A-N-I. - Crimson: Kali has been FandomWanked
As it turns out, Crimson discovered through perusal of archives that Kali has been on Fandom_Wank already, primarily for her unique views on RPing. Basically, that anyone who writes violent or disturbing scenes are themselves very disturbed. - Kaliminion: get laid
dayofjudah is under orders to get some. Junmun is as well, but that's at her discretion. Interested parties should forward an essay on their fake childhood as raised by wild kiwis.
- Indigo: not really trying at all, is she
One of the quietest but most influential conflicts of Sages is Kali's repeated passive-aggressive bullying of Indigo, who is already naturally sensitive. This incurred the first nexodus, though many people weren't OOCly connected enough to realize what was going on. - A Humble Pen: Switzerland Speaks
A player uninvolved with any of the Kali-player conflicts expresses general annoyance and disgust at Kali. - Jillian: self-generated wank
Following the troll bash at Nexus_Tales after Madeline accientally posted an unedited log in which people discuss the rumor that Kali actually plays all the mod characters (a rumor which more or less turned out to be true, we might add), for the first time, Jillian could see exactly from the perspective of people who suspected they had offended Kali. All manner of seemingly innocuous comments stand out in stark, passive-aggressive relief, thus this post. - Crispen Gray: Wankerdammerung
And then we woke up in a new world, a gentler world, a world with a conspicuous lack of Kali gettin' all up in our grill when she ain't been invited to the barbeque. Seriously, this is wanktastic, but I'm honestly not afraid of how I come off, and I'll pretty much laugh in the face of anyone who thinks they can defend her actions.
- Secret Log: Kali'n'Friends
Our secret network of spies has uncovered this totally confidential log of a conversation between Kali and her friends. Featuring a special cameo by Daisie. - Bingo!
Do you find Sages dull as of late now that the latest batch of players have gotten fed up and left? Is Kali turning cartwheels to keep people amused and happy, so they stay? Friend, it is time for Kali Bingo. When you get five in a row, you've been Kali'd!
Articles in category "Kali"
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