I think it's time to turn the discussion towards solutions.
I've read this e-mail a few times now, and I'm frankly still seeing some inconsistencies. I'm just not sure what you want at this point, as we seem to be in a cycle of discussing events that transpired months ago at this point. I've agreed with some of your points, apologized to you where I agreed with you, and I'm still being accused of not listening to you. If I was not listening, I would not spend the time reading your e-mails carefully (an hour reading and reading again, thinking, making notes), thinking, and responding to what you say.
I'm just not sure what you want at this point. Just because we may disagree on certain things does not mean that I *am not listening.* So, to get down to the nitty gritty: what is it that you want to see? What is it that you think will make the situation better? Let's turn the discussion to solutions, as I say above. I think this will be more positive.
Yes. This is true. But I'm of the opinion that as it was unclear why they were there -- if they were there in official or unofficial Sages capacity it would have been far better if you had dissuaded them from making it their business even when they had a right to making it their business.
If I'd told players to not go to BRS, then you'd be asking me to moderate actions outside a community that I moderate, which you in turn have criticized me, I believe, for supposedly doing. I did not sit there the entire night and monitor that discussion. I responded and left for a few hours. I did not orchestrate the other players going there, and goad them on. I was physically *away* from my PC after my initial comment to Edana for quite some time.
In short, Jun player, I have *no* idea what you want at this point. There seems to a lot of finger pointing at me. I'm willing to work with you and if you have solutions to propose, by all means propose them, and let's resolve this and get you comfortable again if at all possible.
As for "shutting up" Edana, she did, to be fair, continue to participate in the discussion at BRS, as well in numerous other places. You've said to me that I have no control over people's perceptions of me and that's true. The reverse is true. You have no control over mine. Perceptions are changed by direct communication.
Judging by the amount of people that contacted me via IM (seven, none of whom had spoken to me before OOC), saying that they in turn had been contacted in turn by Edana and her "friends" (such as Indigo, Epona, and others), before, during, and after this BRS episode, I am sure she was not "shut up." These people went on to express their discomfort with what they described as Edana & Co.'s attempt to "evangelize" a feud with certain moderators at Sages (me, and one other), an attempt to dissuade them from continuing to participate at Sages, join dear_multiverse, as well as other things that made them uncomfortable. It seems that there has been a concerted effort to draw people into partisanship and feuding when they simply want to enjoy themselves gaming at Sages, be left alone, be left out of feuding, and be left out of drama. These actions have conflated rumors that are simply untrue.
If I felt that I was on the defense I probably would respond. I also would place my email address there for that person to address me.
Edana knew our e-mail address; it's listed on the user info page, and has been announced numerous times in posts to the Sages community. I guess it never occurred to me to do that. She has been a long time member of the community and knew how to contact us. I would not feel comfortable place my personal e-mail in a public community with hundreds of members. So there, we will simply have to disagree about our personal reactions to a situation.
How does critisizing a mod's behavior equal attacking a mod as a person?
Some remarks she made were very personal, and she later edited them out, when it was pointed out to her that she was going on information that was false. She's continued to make very personal attacks against me; I see transcripts of the IM conversations that she's had with a few people, who have contacted me to say "this has gone too far", etc.
It was hard to tell if they or you were posting as the mod, the character, or the character's friends. What did appear to happen was that someone had attracted a great deal of negative attention for voicing her opinion of an unnamed game and an unnamed mod.
I believe everyone there was posting as themselves. No one else commenting there has any "official" capacity at Sages. I posted as myself, asking her to contact us to resolve her problem. That may not have been clear.
Yes. This is true. But I'm of the opinion that as it was unclear why they were there -- if they were there in official or unofficial Sages capacity it would have been far better if you had dissuaded them from making it their business even when they had a right to making it their business.
I addressed this above. You're asking me to moderate the actions of people in another community 1) when I wasn't even *aware* of what they were doing until later, and 2) doing the very thing that I've been criticized for doing previously. I do not think this is fair.
You may not have made it a point to 'shut someone up' but the net effect of your posts and the posts of others in that particular posts, at nexus tales, and in Yvaine's journals -- to name some spots -- has had the effect of shutting up people unless they're writing in the privacy of their own journals' locked posts.
Pause to consider this: the threads at Nexus_tales were meant in humor. I will respond when people discuss me in a public place and state things that are wildly untrue. As I said, in my first comment I said it was a way to clear up some misconceptions. Then others joined in, who were thought to me, and we had a lot of fun. Frankly, we did that in HUMOR. We certainly did not mean to censor anyone. If that was the net effect, it is regrettable. Frankly, at the time were laughing at how absurd the rumor mill can get, and how distorted things have gotten from a few people. You'll note that a few uninvolved players posted agreeing that humor was a good way to handle the situation. Unfortunately, some people took this to mean that we were pissed at them, and we've been working hard to correct that notion.
I have problems with NONE of the people that participated in the OOC gossip in that post. I am over any initial discomfort, and have asked other players to leave the issue alone. I have made it very clear to the participants in private AND PUBLIC communications that they are welcome at Sages, and that the incident is put behind us, and will not be mentioned again to them. I left comments in JP mun's Siryn journal stating that, and the mods wrote the player *twice* reassuring her that the whole thing is over, and that she's welcome at Sages.
You'll note that the moderator of nexus_tales commented to the post that she was not happy with the OP, and she felt it was inappropriate to be posting in her community OOC gossip about other people.
I get the feeling that when/if I'm discussed publicly, you actually wish to censor *me* from responding in any way. I feel that's a bit unfair.
I *do* appreciate your candor. However, I'm feeling that you're a bit quick to judge me by another standard than other people. Frankly, rumor mills have gotten out of control amongst a small amount of players, conflating in a way far larger that you've accused me of. Some of the things that are being said are patently untrue, distortions, and willfully hurtful. AT this point, *I* am starting to feel bullied and censored, and attacks *are* getting very personal.
Whatever, you could be *anybody*. That I don't care about beyond not wanting to be rude or disprespectful because you could be someone I like or love in rl.
I assure you, we do not know each other. But I thank you for the sentiments, nonetheless. :-)
I do care that at times I can't tell the difference if you're being high-handed as a goddess or high-handed as the creator of an rpg. I. Can't. Tell. And when 'Kali921' shows up at brps, nexus_tales, or other players' journals to comment, rebuke, or snark I'm less inclined to think that's the goddess-Kali as played by you and more inclined to think it's the mun behind Kali who's carrying on like that.
Let me be absolutely clear: If I show up in any other place to comment about Sages or Sages related issues, it is as *myself*, OOC. If I show up at BRS, nexus_tales, etc., it is as *myself.* Not as Kali a character. As for snarking? Honestly, do you apply the same standard to your cohorts that are upset and personally attacking me as you do me? Such as when players and individuals leave anonymous comments in my own journals stating that they are players, calling me "crazy," and telling me that I'm "going to be hunted and watched" - or post that on Sages, as Gar's player did on Friday, twice? Or follow other players that do not have issues with the moderation into their journals and attack them? Or follow another moderator into their journal, and insist they are me, and then continue with accusations of insanity? At this point, the conflation of *your* group of people has all three active mods working for hours trying to correct untruths, sort out fact, talk to people, and deal with concerns in as productive a way as possible. Honestly, it's absurd, and there are factual errors out there, such as who I write, or that I have *family* members going onto other people's journals and attacking them, etc. It is getting ridiculous. The lack of willingness to listen to another perspective is mind boggling. That's why I am trying VERY hard to listen to you here, and keep what you say in mind.
As for JP's mun, since I am sure you are speaking partially of this, the moderators *never* admonished him or spoke to him OOC in any hostile fashion in the player's various guises her *entire time at Sages.* The player wrote us complaining about comments being made on Sages (NOT directed at the player, I might add) regarding the nexus_tales post, and then six hours later pulled out of Sages without giving us time to respond. When I finally read the player's e-mail, I immediately asked the other players to cease those comments, and they did, and apologized for the incident, and assured them that they were welcome at Sages.
What we have done in light of player concerns over the past six weeks:
1. We have made modifications to our moderation in light of your complaints and the suggestions of others.
2. I opened up the community for discussion on Friday, and invited questions, comments, and concerns. Some responded on the board, others responded privately. The mods are thinking about and going to address ALL of the issues and questions raised.
3. Proactively contacted players that we *hear* feel unwelcome, assuring them that they are welcome.
4. The floor remains open for discussion at all times. The two mods on reduced duties have posted again on Sages, announcing they are now on active duty again to help deal with the fallout of rumor mongering and dissatisfaction. We remain open to suggestions.
Regarding stardusted_lady, normally I wouldn't discuss specifics, but since she published e-mails on her journal, I'll discuss the situation with you, although it is clear, from what was shown to me by other players by copying and pasting excerpts of the e-mails from her LJ that she edited the e-mails and perhaps changed the wording.
SL drove three players from Sages due to both IC and OOC interactions. One of them has come back and now feels safe in the comm after she left. One player left in tears. She atatcked these players *on* Sages, in posts and comments that had to be quickly deleted, since they were explicitly OOC. Two of these players that were driven away had never spoken to me before OOC, and they are not personal friends. One I had RPed with, but did not know personally. All three were longtime members of Sages, with *never* any issues before, so I took them seriously when they began to complain. They showed me communications with her that they perceived as bullying, hostile, and downright bizarre at times. Before we spoke to her about Sages, we went back and spent hours reading threads that she was involved in, in order to evaluate if these player's concerns were valid or not. I observed on Sages interactions that I felt uncomfortable with. No matter how certain characters approached her character, they were met with hostility and accused of ganging up on her. After the other mods read these threads, and asking a few uninvolved to also read them, so that we could get a range of perspectives, we decided we overall disagreed with her accusation of being bullied IC. Athena's player withdrew for a time, not wanting to be bullied IC by Yvaine or her group. Again, a perceptual difference, and Yvaine accused players of intent to bully when *none was present.*
A particular thread that she refers to again and again as bullying we observed other players and characters trying to calm her down in character and soothe her. She interpreted this as bullying IC and OOC. She in fact went out of her way IC to attack Frank IC in the first comment she made to a post that he made one day; it was obviously a case of IC/OOC lack of boundary, which she later admitted to. When Yvaine was still fairly new at Sages, she attacked Vision's player OOC the second time that Vision's player ever interacted with her, getting very upset that *he didn't remember Yvaine's name,* stating "I am tired of no one talking to me in this community!" and then going on in that manner. The threads are all still there on Sages for all to see. What she failed to recognized, I guess, is that Vision *was* speaking to her, introducing himself to her, and he then went out of his way to reassure her OOC that she should keep trying to talk to people, etc., and that being a new member in a high volume community could be a bit overwhelming, etc.
She stated that she would deliberately go out of her way to be rude to Frank and/or his player at one point. That thread is still on Sages, too (as well as stating it on her LJ). So that is what happened wtih SL. There are always two sides to every story.
Anyway, in summation, overall: we are open to suggestions, and changes. Again, if players NEVER talk to us to get out perspective, or NEVER raise their concerns, we can't assist them. In light of recent rumors, we have taken the steps to contact people *in case* what we heard about them being upset was true.
If you tell me what it is you are asking for on Sages, then I can work with it, and we can get somewhere. Shall we try that? :-)