Magres Xerfal

From Apocalypseblade

Magres Xerfal, an angelic phrase translated to Divine Ascension, is the name of a ritual which allows angels to increase their power and prevent death (anyone who successfully completes the ascension can only be killed by one means, which they choose upon completion of the rite).

[edit] Ritual prerequisites

  • An angel attempting Magres Xerfal must be strong enough to do so. While the exact prerequisites for power are unknown, only the Warrior Angels have ever been known to be powerful enough to attempt it.
  • The angel must have a certain realm of expertise, such as an elemental manipulation or control over an alternate form of energy such as light.
  • If another before them has already completed Magres Xerfal, they must either destroy the God of their particular energy or request the sub-deity abdicate their position, allowing a new entity to take their place.
  • The attempter must face their greatest enemy and gather a chalice of blood from them, and place this blood on the Sacred Altar of Divine Power. The attempter must fight without direct assistance from whoever they choose to assist them should they desire help.
  • The attempter must chant an angelic prayer calling for the energy to be bestowed upon them, with torches surrounding the Altar lit before the chant is completed. The angel cannot move during this phase, making them prone to attack.
  • Upon successful completion of all other steps, the newly-energized demigod must select one way in which to be permanently struck down, thus preventing their power from becoming true invincibility. This method can be spoken aloud, or mentally conveyed if the attempter is concerned with their weakness being known to others but God.
  • While it is possible to complete the ritual alone, it is extremely difficult (especially considering the helplessness during the chant). An angel attempting Magres Xerfal may employ the assistance of one other being, but if they choose to do so only that being and the attempter may know of their intentions to carry out Magres Xerfal. If no assistance is desired, no one may know of the ritual outside the person attempting it. (Note: An assumption of someone's intention to carry out Magres Xerfal will not disrupt the ritual; even watching it happen is not considered definitive knowledge of the ritual occuring. As long as no one is expressly told about the ritual taking place, it can be performed safely.)

Failing any of these steps, in whole or in part, will cause the transfer of energy to be fatal. Aurumagnus and Fulminerus were both killed by failing to keep their intentions about Magres Xerfal unknown to others, despite carrying out every other step perfectly. This final step is not expressly written in the text; only Cryodivus and Pyrodeus were able to assume this was necessary by their interpretation of the text.

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