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From The TimeSplitters Wiki

User Stickies
TS1 This user owns TimeSplitters 1.

TS2 This user owns TimeSplitters 2.

TS3 This user owns TimeSplitters: Future Perfect.

PS2 This user owns a PS2.

w-1 This user has Basic knowledge of the MediaWiki format.


Hey everybody im carlo92 and I recently found this site and thought it was a great reference for the Timesplitters series. I decided to contribute and I recently became an administrator. I usually contibute to the characters page but sometimes i'll contribitute to some of the other articles.

Me and Timesplitters

After playing Future Perfect almost to the death, I've gone back to playing the more cartoony Timesplitters 2. My favorite characters are Chinese Chef, Ghost, The Master, and sometimes I like to play as Harry Tipper. My favorite maps are Chinese, Chasm, and the Ice Station. In futute perfect I like the Siberia level. My weapon of choice are Remote Mines. Blowing up people is always fun. I am currently working on trying to use effciently use the Mapmaker to create some awesome maps.

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