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They're Not Pets!

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

icon_confused.gif The original author of They're Not Pets! does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

They're Not Pets!
Game TS2
League Elite League
Section Team Series C
Mode Team Deathmatch
Map Circus
Character Mister Giggles
Accompanied by
Enemies Encountered Bear
Baby Drone
Rewards Silver: Baby Drone
Gold: Bear
Medal Requirements Bronze: 1st
Silver: 1st with 30 kills
Gold: 1st with 40 kills
Platinum: 1st with 55 kills

They're Not Pets! is a Team Series C Elite League Arcade League Team Deathmatch at the Circus.


Mister Giggles and Stumpy ordered a bunch of Baby Drone 'Splitters off the internet. When they arrived, they bit the Bear's nose and ripped off Lola's costume. The Ringmistress is not pleased - she wants rid of them. Watch out for the Bear though, he's pretty mad.


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