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Scotland the Brave Submarine Gunner Glitch

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Scotland the Brave Truck Glitch
Requirements - TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
- Scotland the Brave unlocked
- Works best with a friend in Co-op
Finder Koopa64

Glitch: Inside the warehouse with the Submarine in it, open the gate that leads to the checkpoint to make the Sub appear. Use the crane to lift the gunner up but don't dump it into the water or anything, set it down on the deck somewhere so it won't push itself off the sub deck. After that, go back down onto the main floor and pick the gunner up with the Temporal Uplink. There are a few things you can try with the gunner, most of which aren't of much importance. The fact that you can pick up this object and you can do anything to it pretty much makes it a glitch.

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