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Freak Unique

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Freak Unique
League Honorary League
Section Deadweight
Mode Team Deathmatch
Map Subway
Character Hans
Enemies Encountered Red
Mister Giggles
Vlad the Installer
Rewards Bronze: Hans
Medal Requirements Bronze: 30 kills
Silver: 30 kills in 3 min 45 secs
Gold: 30 kills in 3 mins
Platinum: 2 min 40 secs

Freak Unique is an Honorary Arcade League challenge in TimeSplitters Future Perfect. You can unlock Hans with a bronze.


You are Hans and are in a supossed to be "gang fight" against the red team(Mischief, Stumpy and Mister Giggles) and the green team (Oleg, Vlad the Installer, and Leonid). Your spawning point is between the two teams, consisting of the green team to be in the near left of your location, and the red team to the near right of your location. The challenge can be hard, since the gangs seem to always be with each other and sometimes pin down the player. It is recommended that you fight the red team rather then the green team, seeing as the green team is stronger then the red team.

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