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Dr. Cortez

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Dr. Cortez
Unlocked by Beat "You Genius, U-Genix" on Normal
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy 5
Agility 5
Stamina 5
Fire Proof 5
Shock Proof 5
Default AI 4
Native TimeZone 2052
First Appearance TSFP Story Mode
Relations Cortez
Games TSFP
TS1 Gesture N/A TSFP Gesture Points at screen and says "It's time to split!"
TS2 Gallery N/A TSFP Gallery There's a joke somewhere here about bald men in roll-neck sweaters...I can't...quite...remember it...

Dr. Cortez is a character in Timesplitters: Future Perfect. He appears in the level You Genius, U-Genix, where Cortez dresses as a doctor to be able to move through the lab without drawing attention. His name while under this guise is "Gordon", a reference to the Half-Life series.

He wears the same oufit as Brother Bartholomew, except the face mask covers up none of his face. He is unlocked when you beat You Genius, U-Genix on normal mode or harder.

The attributes in Multiplayer for Dr. Cortez are the same as the other Cortez characters.

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