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Aztec the Dinosaur Hunter

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

icon_confused.gif The original author of Aztec the Dinosaur Hunter does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Aztec the Dinosaur Hunter
Game TS2
League Elite League
Section Sincerest Form of Flattery
Mode Team Deathmatch
Map Aztec
Character Aztec Warrior
Enemies Encountered Dinosaur x?
Rewards Silver: Dinosaur
Medal Requirements Bronze: 45 Kills
Silver: 60 Kills
Gold: 70 Kills
Platinum: 80 Kills

The first League Match in this Series is a joke on the N64 game, "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter".


Aztec Warrior just loves to hunt Dinosaurs! The Aztec Priest has tried to convince him otherwise by explaining all of the ethical and ecological reasons which make it a morally questionable activity. Aztec Warrior ignores him, he says the Priest's just a cerebral bore...


Since you only have a Crossbow for a weapon, there's really no need to list the weapons in this match. The best place to hide is at the other side of the bridge, inside the cave near the gearworks. Stand in a place where the Dinos can't see you until you do, then blast any that come. Standing right at the end of the bridge is a bad idea, since they can shoot you with better accuracy than you. This strategy should get you a Silver at least.

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