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From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 23:41, 17 February 2007 by BobZombie (Talk | contribs)

I joined on 2/14/07. I saw this wiki when searching on the internet. I'm completely obsessed in TS2, so I thought "Hey! Heres a TS wiki, why not check it out?" I checked out a few articles, but saw lots of content missing. So I decided that I would add my knowledge of TS for the whole world to see (or something like that).

My thoughts on TimeSplitters

Well, for one thing, I only own TimeSplitters 2. However, I am COMPLETELY obsessed in the game. In fact, I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of obsession. I probably rate the game 9/10, even thought I am obsessed. The game is the best (for GameCube at least) FPS I've ever played. I sometimes play up to 3 hours a day (although rarely).

TS-Wiki Contributions

  • New Articles
    • Circus
    • Feeder Zombie
    • Flame Tag
    • Hangar
    • Time to Split
  • Major-ish Edits
    • Hospital
    • Zombie
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