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Streets of NeoTokyo

NeoTokyo is the fifth Story level in TS2. In this level, Ghost must follow Krayola to gain entrance to the hacker's compound so he can unframe himself.



2019 NEOTOKYO - Tek Quarter

Sadako's hacker gang have stolen a prototype Cyber Rig from the government research labs. Rumour is that the rig incorporates some kind of alien biomatter and is powered by crystal lattice energy.

Faked computer records, which the hackers planted at the labs, framed Ghost for the break-in and now police are crawling over the Tek quarter looking for him.

The only way for Ghost to clear his name is to tail one of the hackers to their secret research area and gather evidence of their activities.

Primary Objectives

  • Follow the Hacker to the research area (All)
  • Deactivate the [TimeSplitter]] machine (All)
  • Kill the Hacker Chief (All)
  • Retrieve the Time Crystal (All)
  • Photograph the evidence (Normal/Hard)
  • Upload it to the police server (Normal/Hard)
  • Escape through the Time Portal (All)

Secondary Objectives

  • None




  • In Normal and Hard mode, the Master will heal you if you find him.
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