Tallman, Levi P

From Lane Co Oregon


A youth developed in a practical and kindly home atmosphere, a young manhood tried by the deprivation and danger of a Civil war service, and later years rounded out in useful occupations in the far northwest, is the life story of Levi P. Tallman, now living on a little fruit farm of thirty acres two miles north of Eugene. A pleasant recollection to Mr. Tallman is the fact that he is indebted solely to his own efforts for his start and subsequent success in life, and he is a stanch advocate of industry and uprightness, aids which have been the principal factors in his advancement. Born in Huron county, Ohio, July 17, 1845, he is a son of Timothy W. and Harriett (Palmer) Tallman, natives of New York state. The parents were married in their native state, and soon afterward removed to Huron county, Ohio, where the father farmed and worked at his trades as shoemaker and carpenter. He removed with his family to Kent county, Mich., in 1853, after a time settling in Grand Rapids where he was earnestly and success fully plying his trade at the time of his death at the age of seventy-seven years.

Attaining maturity on the Kent county farm Levi P. Tallman had acquired a common school education and a thorough knowledge of farming. The Civil war found him anxious and ready to enlist as a private on September 3, 1864, and he became a member of Battery D, First Michigan Light Artillery, under Lieutenant Pickett and was sent to Tennessee to join the command of General Van Cleave. He was not privileged to participate in many of the important battles of the war owing to the lateness of the enlistment, but he was at Stone River, and afterward did garrison duty up to the time of his discharge, July 4, 1865, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. His service was marred by illness which necessitated detention in Hospital NO. 2, for three months, after which he returned to Michigan, and remained there until October. 20, 1866.

While in the service Mr. Tallman met many who had ambitions centering in the west, and the continuation of a farming existence in Michigan convinced him that he, too, might profit by the chances held out to ambitious and deserving young men. Boarding a steamer at New York he came to the coast by the way of Panama and San Francisco, taking twenty-three days for the trip, and remaining in San Jose, Cal.; for eleven years farming and fruit-raising. Coming to Portland and later to Eugene in the fall of 1877 he engaged in saw-milling for three years on Long Tom creek, just west of the town. In 1873 he married Mary J. Lake; who died February 26, 1880, leaving two children, of whom Lillian is a nurse in Oakland, Cal., and Lewis A. is in Dawson City, Alaska. In 1886 Mr. Tallman was united in marriage with Mary E. P. Phillips, a native of Tama county, Iowa. He lived at Hale's Station for six years, and in 1886 moved onto a claim of one hundred and sixty acres on the Siuslaw river, where he kept a stage house and public inn, and carried on quite extensive farming operations. He had three hundred and sixty acres of land, raised considerable stock, and prospered exceedingly in his combined occupations. In the spring of 1903 he sold his interests to Eli Bangs, of Eugene, and bought his present farm of thirty acres two miles north of the town. He is engaged in small farming and fruit-raising, and is most pleasantly located, being surrounded with modern aids for the carrying on of his work, and occupying a comfortable and hospitable home. Mr. Tallman subscribes himself to Democratic principles and issues, and many local offices have been honored by his services, among them that of school director and school clerk. He has served for twenty-four years as postmaster in different parts of Lane county, a position which argues both popularity and efficient service. Fraternally he is connected with the Lodge No. 139, I. O. O. F., at Mapleton, Ore.

["Portrait & Biographical Record of the Willamette Valley Oregon." Chapman Publishing Company, 1903. p. 1316.]

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