Culture of Arëdighùan

From Eshraval Saved

Arëdighùani Culture has been significantly influenced by the those of Haarden, Skjonohav, the Sa'alli Empire, and at least minimally by Arvitan, Aedhael, and Ilycia. Thanks to its bi-racial nature, Arëdighùan incorporates many racial cutlural aspects from its two patron races, Aphillians and Shakrihl. These two races originally struggled to live together with great friction, but in the past hundred years have made great strides in peaceful coexistance.

The Dominion of Arëdighùan is often catagorized as a protectionist state in terms of cutlure. The monarchy has taken many steps to ensuring that Arëdighùani culture remains distinctive and with as minimal outside influence as possible. (See: Arëdighùani Cultural Protectionism)

As a nation and a people, Arëdighùani consider themselves highly cultured, admiring and almost revering anything associated with culture and personal or group expression. This national, near obessive, infatuation with all things remotely artistic in nature has led the Arëdighùani to be a curiously intense (for such a reserved people) nation in terms of culture, and who is cultured.



Arëdighùani speak a local dialect of Hardenska, called Dominion Norric. The lanuage has quickly taken on a life of its own, and in some areas is very difficult to discern from Hardanaska itself.

Roeyse is an extremely close relative of Dominion Norric, and essentially they can be considered the same language.


Arëdighùani are primarially Jascoran.


Main Article: Jascora in Arëdighùan

He Atrual

Main Article: He Atrual in Arëdighùan


Main Article: Sascoll in Arëdighùan


See also Education in Arëdighùan


See: Arëdighùani Fasion

Fasion is an intense cultural statemen of, Class, Religion, Wealth, and Personal ideals in Arëdighùani culture. To Arëdighùani, clothes are not simply clothes, they are a message to other people telling them exactly who they are, where they are from, and the type of person they are.

In recent years, with the influx of foreign brands of clothing and styles, it is important to note, that many Arëdighùani have stuck to their traditions, with the concept that it is not what brand of clothing you wear, but what type.

There is a subtle (but not always), grading system which Arëdighùani use to quickly inspect what Social Class that particular person hails from. This can include the colour and style of a tie worn, the type of hat worn (top-hat, cap, ect), and many other things, can quite usually let someone know the exact (Or very near to) social and economic standing that someone has.


See: Arëdighùani Cusine


See: Art of Arëdighùan

Arëdighùani art has been called by some, "...a fascinating mix of East meets west.", this generous analysis can be attributed to the fact that much of Arëdighùan's art has become an amalgamation between Shakrihl and Apphillian rights and tradition. Amalgamations, though aparant in some art forms, are not always common in others.

Painting for example, was not a common form of expression to the original Shakrihl inhabitants of Arëdighùan, and so most typical Arëdighùani paintings have a distinct Norric, if dilouted, feel to them. Though not an original Shakrihl form of expression, it has since gathered great following among my Shakrihl Arëdighùani.

Sculpture is a highly popular form of expression among all Arëdighùani, stemming from the great stoneworkers of Haarden and the Sa'alli Empire. All around Arëdighùan great statues and stoneworks can be found, for Shakrihl styled cities and great statues carved from the mountains themselves, Morby and Farby are excellent places to go. For more Apphillian styles, Yrjanagrod has a massive amount of Post-Republic statues and other works of art.



See: Arëdighùani Television Programing

On average, Arëdighùani watch less TV than most developed countries in Eshraval (as well as many developing), the exact reason for this is unknown, but there are many proposals as to why.

Culture is very important to Arëdighùani, quite possibly the most important thing to them. To be seen as uncultured, can cost you your social status, standing, possibly even your job. And television, thanks to its reputation as something of an uncultured device (carrying its negative conotation's such as, Idiot Box, Boob Tube, ect), can be seen as an easily culture-hampering device and pastime. So an activity which will cost you your social standing is generally not an acitivity which many Arëdighùani will engage in.


See: Radio of Arëdighùan

Because of Arëdighùan's love of all this audio, Radio is extremely popular here. Begining in the late 1230's, with the availability of radio on a large scale, Arëdighùani have taken to and greatly enjoy radio programing. There are well over 20,000 different radio stations in urban Arëdighùan alone, with thousands more in the rurual areas. These stations broadcast anything from Talk shows, Opera Clips, Classical Music, Modern pop, anything you could possibly expect and more.



See: Aredighuani Music

Arëdighùani are a very musical people, in keeping with their great reverense for all forms of expression.


See: Cinema of Arëdighùan

Cinema has only recently (in the past 40-50 years) begun to impose itself as a method of expression to large amounts of people. The first major movie makers had an extremely tough time breaking into the interest of the common people, who for all previous times had enjoyed theatre and other interets.

The most famous of break-out directors to kick start an interest was Gustaf Fejjell, who created his masterpiece Den Stor (Great One), which highleted the life of Yrjana. The film was the first in a long line of Nationalistic and prideful films in the era of a growing in power Arëdighùan. This era, which created a thirst for all this Domestic, is largely created with helping to make Arëdighùani Cinema the power it is in international film today.


See: Arëdighùani Literature

Arëdighùan is known Eshraval wide for their literary thirst, the people seem to crave all things written, and this is exemplified in the amount of books written and read each year in the Dominion.

The original Shakrihl people's of Arëdighùan were known for their spectacular, if sometimes minimalist in their wordings, epics and poems about their Mythology, Romances, Adventures, and their interactions with the Zunian Chari (Osk), and the Ghinni of Naoria.

With the interaction of the Norric Settlers with these traditional Shakrihl writings, a bond and style was created that still exists to this day. Using the more flowery word structure of the Norrics, Shakrihl stories were able to be translated into huge epic novels, hundreds of pages long, when before it had only been hundreds of words.

The effects of this have been argued as both good and bad, Shakrihl Traditionalists saying that it was repression of their natural culture, and Pro-Norrics, and other groups have stated that it was simply an evolution in the culture of the region.

Classical Literature

Modern Literature

Famous Authors




See: Arëdighùani Sports

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