Teddy Roosevelt National Park
From Wildbison
Last Known Population Count/Estimate:
Size of Range:
Disease staus:
Target Population:300-700
Management Practices employed:
Bradybaugh, J. (1987) Summary of bison managment in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
pp. 29-33. IN: Proc. of North America Bison Workshop. (J.Malcom, ed.) U.S. Fish and Wildl. Ser. and Glacier Nat. Hist. Assoc., Glacier National Park, MT. 74 pp.
Norland, JE; Irby, LR; Marlow, CB (1985) Determination of optimum bison stocking rate in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. Journal of Environmental Management [J. ENVIRON. MANAGE.]. Vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 225-239.
Irby L.R.; Norland J.E.; Westfall Jr. J.A.; Sullivan M.A (2002) Evaluation of a forage allocation model for Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 64, Number 2, February 2002, pp. 153-169(17)
Trammell, M.A.; Butler, J.L. (1995) Effects of exotic plants on native ungulate use of habitat. Journal of wildlife management(J. wildl. manage.) vol. 59, no4, pp. 808-816