List of Wild Bison Herds
From Wildbison
Note: None of the herds listed below could be called free-roaming, as various management techniches are employed to restrict the herd numbers and movement. Herds on this 'Wild Bison' list are those whose diets are not artifically supplemented by humans.
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United States
Yellowstone National Park- Wyoming, Montana and Idaho
Grand Teton National Park- Wyoming
Wind Cave National Park - South Dakota
Badlands National Park - South Dakota
Sandsage Bison Range and Wildlife Area - Kansas
Big Basin Preserve - Kansas
Maxwell Wildlife Refuge - Kansas
Delta Junction Bison Range - Alaska
National Bison Range - Montana
Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge - Oklahoma
Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge - Iowa
Antelope Island State Park - Utah
Henry Mountain BLM - Utah
Teddy Roosevelt National Park - North Dakota
Fort Niobara National Wildlife Refuge - Nebraska
Tall-Grass Prairie Preserve - Oklahoma
House Rock WMA - Arizona
Raymond WMA - Arizona
Blue Mounds State Park - Minnesota
Cross Ranch Reserve - North Dakota
Samual H. Ordway Preserve - South Dakota
Inter-Tribal Bison Co-operative
Crow Reservation - Montana Cheyenne River Reservation - Montana
Privately Owned
American Prairie Foundation - Montana
Wood Buffalo National Park - Alberta and NWT
Grasslands National Park - Saskatchewan
Prince Albert National Park - Saskatchewan
Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range - Sakatchewan
McKenzie Bison Sanctuary - NWT
Hay-Zama Herd - Alberta
Nahanni Herd - NWT
Pink Mountain Herd - BC
Liard Herd - BC