George Peng

From Wikimacs

George Peng is very..."interesting"
He plays golf. George plans to make history in WMACS as the years go on. first this then that. someday George will have his Children attend WMACS and George will be his childrens' counselors. His children will love him alot.

About George 15 years old. Born in March of 1992. Has a sister named Barbara. His facebook name is George C. Peng. C stands for his Middle name which shall not be named. George likes to drum for fun. Video Clip: George on DrumsHe also likes to build models such as Gundam and Zoids. He is probably one of the dumbest asians you'll ever meet. He got a 2.4 on his last report card. Yes, quite sad for an asian. laugh it out loud you fags. George likes Action movies such as 300, Transformers, Troy, The last Samurai etc etc. George likes heavy metal like Mushroomhead, Lamb of God, SLipknot, Statix X etc. He also likes other music. This is All you need to know you stalker.

He is Jessica Liu's toy.

Years at WMACS

Video Clip: George Gone Wild

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