From Wikimacs

Due to an inbalance of male/female counselors, 2004 saw an experiment with co-ed groups. There were 96 campers, an ideal number that could be broken up into 12 groups of 8 and 8 teams of 12. Each of the groups were named after the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, with Rat the oldest group and Pig the youngest. There were 4 boys and 4 girls in each group, with the exception of Rat, which had 5 boys; Snake, which had 6 boys; Horse, which had 3 boys, Chicken, which had 3 boys, Dog, which had 5 boys, and Pig, which had 5 boys.

Rat: Mok-yi Chow
Ox: Stan Liu
Tiger: Thomas Chu
Rabbit: Betty Yu
Dragon: Stephen Liang
Snake: Jeffrey Ian Chen
Horse: Irene Liu
Sheep: Eric Lui
Monkey: Tim Yang
Chicken: Cindy Yu
Dog: Barry Huang
Pig: Mayline Wu

Head Counselor: June Liang

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