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The Houses

This is a collective number of forums that hold the House Commonrooms. Each House is password protected and only members of the the houses can get into them. So only Gryffindor Students can get into the Gryffindor Commonroom and so on. The Head of Houses offices are in here too. So if your character is a student and has a query, send them along to see their Head of House.

See Also: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Required Classes

A collective set of forums that set out the classes students have to take. Each student from a house is set two classes that their houses students have to take during each term. So for example Gryffindor may be set Herbology and History of Magic one term, therefore all the students in Gryffindor should attend these classes.

See Also: Required Classes

Elective Classes

Each student has to take two elective classes each term. The elective classes are there to boost students classes and help their knowledge. In both sets of classes you will need to complete homwork that will give you extra house points. You can choose whichever two classes you'd like.

See Also: Elective Classes

Inside Hogwarts

The Entrance Hall

This forum is basically your characters first step into Hogwarts so to speak. This is purely for RP fun, and it's a good place for your characters to make an entrance.

The Great Hall

If your character is hungry or just wants a place to chat with friends then this forum is the best place for that. Dances are held in here too.

The Stairs

The stairs are a place to get your character from A to B but if you're character is a prankster at heart then they could pull some good pranks here.

Moaning Myrtles Bathroom

Has your character had a run in with a crush or do they just need somewhere to think a chill out? Surprisingly most characters come here for those sorts of threads. Welcome to Moaning Myrtles Bathroom.

Third Floor Corridor

A place that is supposedly out of bounds to student but which students really listens to the rules fully? This is a great place to do some sneaky rp's to say the least.

The Room of Requirement

A place where all your dreams could come true. A room that can become anything. Please feel free to really let your imagination run really wild in this forum.

The Prefects Bathroom

This is for members with characters that are either prefets or the head boy and girl and that it. It is a password protected forum that no other members can access.

The Teachers Lounge

A teacher only spot, for those adult charries to hang out and rp. Students are welcome to come and have an rp thread here, maybe if your characters need to see a professors or something. Well this is the place to go.

The Owlery

This is where your character gets to RP out sending letters to their loved ones and friends, and you never know your character may even meet some new friends in this forum.

The Library

If your character needs to study then this would be the best place for it. RP out a study session with friends or just place an RP in here and wait for it to be answered. The Library is quite a popular place for RP's.


Fancy your character sneaking around to get a midnight snack? Then bring them to the kitchens. Alot of RP takes place her also and its quite a fun place to do it.

The Astronomy Tower

Bring on all the star gazers. This is a place for nightly RP's, if your character likes staring into space or just working on some homework with the stars there to serve as a light. If this is so, then the Astronomy tower is the palce for your character.


A nasty little place if ever there was one. Don't let the Slytherins catch your character down here on their own, unless of course your character is a Slytherin. Come and have some RP fun down here.

The One-Eyed Witch passageway

If your character has a knack for sneaking out from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade then this is how they would do it. Head on down to this passageway and get sneaking.

The Hospital Wing

If your character suffers an Injury, its more than likely they will end up here, or in St.Mungo's. But students tend to end up here.


A lace where most members don't want their characters to get lumbered but if you do get a character given a detention then this is where they will serve it, under the watchful eyes of Sir James K. F. Bannister

Hogwarts Grounds and Surrounding Areas

The Lake

The place where quite a few romantic threads can take place. And this being the lake forum, you can understand why. The stars, the water, the cover of the trees; it's a romantic place as ever there was.

The Whomping Willow

Another way to sneak into Hogsmeade, and the Shrieking Shack to be precise. Another cool place to RP sneaking, or even running. Has you're character done something they shouldn't? then this may be a good way of escaping.

The Courtyard

A RP gathering spot and another place to make your character some friends, and maybe even some enemies? you never know with students in Hogwarts really. but its a popular place to RP so come and join the fun!

Forbidden Forest

Out of bounds to all any of them listen anyway. A great place to RP, dark threads, sneaky little threads and even romantic threads can go on in here.


This forum sums up all the other areas around Hogwarts; it contians sub-forums for the Gameskeepers hut, The Greenhouses and the Quidditch Pitch. Get down here for some quidditch fun perhaps? or maybe a little look at the plants? Just make sure you take the time for some RP here in this forum.

Diagon Alley


This is one of the first places your character needs to come when starting out on The Prophecy. Every character needs to have a wand so make sure your first purchase is one of those.

Gertrude's Graphics

This forum is for all of the Signature and Avatar requests on the site. If you can't make graphics for yourself or just want someone else to make you something, then this is the place.

Madam Malkin's

A place for your character to buy some fresh new clothes for school or work. Because lets face it no one can have too many clothes can they? No. So head over to Madam Malkin's and indulge your character in a little bit of shopping.

The Leaky Cauldron

One of the Four pubs for RP on The Prophecy. The Leaky Cauldron is a good place to meet other chracters, especially the older characters on the site. Although you do see some student characters around here too.

Flourish and Blotts

This is where your character, if a student can find all the book volumes they will need for classes at Hogwarts, books for every single subject that is taught at the school. There are also booksfor reading in your spare time and such here too.

Slug and Jiggers Apothecary

A shop and forum for all of your characters potion needs. It even sells cauldrons. Ingrediatns galore and a friendly set of staff.

Obscurus Books

A shop forum that sells a variety of different books, not needed at Hogwarts but just a fun read. Bring your characterdown here and take a look at the big selection of books.

Scribbulus' Ever Changing Inks

For your characters ink needs, this is the shop to go too. You can also find parchment and quills withing the confinds of this store.

Quality Quidditch Supplies

If your character is a quidditch mad person then bring them down to this shop and they will be in their element. The shop sells brooms, quittch uniforms, snitches..everything really!

Pottage's Cauldron Shop

The best cauldron shop in the wizarding world is right here in Diagon Alley. There are cauldron's of all types sold here to make sure your character gets the best one for them.

Magical Menagerie

A shop forum where you can get your character a pet for school or just maybe just a companion for them. They sells owls, cats, dogs....and many other wonderful creatures.

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

A place where your character can buy every flavour of ice cream imaginable. They can just come in here and relax with friends whilst eating a wonderous ice cream of their own likin.

Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes

Does your character like pranks? and do they need a place to buy their supplies? well this here is the place. Originally owned by the Weasley twins this is the perfect place for those character with a knack of pranking to buy some cheeky things for themselves.

House of Black Weapons

Members that have characters in the Order of the Phoenix or one who's a Death Eater come here to buy their weapons supplies for fighting against each other, but its not only members of these two groups that come in here.

Diagon Alley Real Estate

If you want to get your character an apartment, then this is the place to do that. They have apartments of many different types here, so come along and have a browse.

The Streets of Diagon Alley

Even if your character is ony here for a wander, its a great place to RP. But be careful, Death Eaters may lurk here...

Knockturn Alley

In The Alley

A forum just like the streets of Diagon Alley, but it is more likely you'll meet a character of evil stature around here, no self-repsecting wizard or witch with a good heart would be caught down here unless there was a real reason for it.

Borgin and Burke's

A shop forum that sells and buys things that a wizard wouldn't like to fall in the hands of the ministry. Things that arent exactly legal. will you and your characters venture into this shop?

Aurora's Dream

A pace that sells very homely items, from furniture to incese sticks. Its a quaint little shop and one that you wouldn't expect to find in this dank dark alley.

The Silver Spoon

A dank little bar at the far end of the alley. Is your character going to risk coming in here? mostly shady business goes on in here....what will you find if you enter?

The Death Eaters Hideout

A password protected forum where all the meetings of the Death Eaters are held. Only the leaders of the DE and their faithful 'angels' can access this forum.


The Three Broomsticks

One of the friendliest pubs around the wizarding world that serves great food and has a friendly staff set up. Its a great RP place and provides your character with more opportunities to make some friends.

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