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A Medal or Trophy is a reward for your performance in an Arcade League or Challenge scenario.
There are four types of Medals, depending on how well you did on the particular challenge. Different medals give you different rewards. The Medals are as follows (in order from worst to least):
- Bronze - You get this if you pass the challenge, no matter what. These usually give 0-1 rewards.
- Silver - You did better than a bronze. With these you can unlock around 2 things.
- Gold - Very good. If you get one of these, you get all the unlockables for that challenge.
- Platinum - Excellent! If you get a Platinum, you get all the unlocks of the challenge and bragging rights. If you get these on EVERY challenge in the game, youo are a true master (although be careful in TS2, as there is an unfixable glitch!)
You can improve your medal. If you get a Bronze on a challenge, then redo it and get the requirements for a Gold, you'll get a gold.
Depending on your medal, you get different unlocks. For example, in Can't Handle This, you get Chasm for a bronze, Hatchet Sal and Chasm for a Silver, and a Gold will earn you those two and the Handyman. Remember, you can always get the other unlocks by getting a better medal.
In TS2, there is a glitch in the Banana Chomp > Playing with Fire challenge. If you get a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal, and save the game you will not be able to get a Platinum on that profile, ever. The only way to do so is to turn off your system before the game can save your lower medal. Restarting won't help, you have to turn off the system.