Junior Term Programme

From Tennis

Revision as of 07:39, 13 May 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Our teaching philosophy is very simple—the three E's:


Age is used below only as a guideline. The player's ability will be taken into account.

Junior Term Programme
SHORTIES (RED) WED $ 4 - 5pm $ 4 - 7 Building on basic co-ordination and movement. We also aim to teach basic tennis technique and rules in this fun and active class.

Low compression tennis balls are used.

SAT 12 - 1pm
TRANSITS (ORANGE) SAT 9 - 10am 7 - 10 Is starting to work on how to hold the racquet correctly, will be aware that each shot has a ‘start’ and ‘finish’, can hit the ball whilst creating some balance, is starting to rally whilst maintaining patience and concentration, learning how to serve over arm, little volley and overhead awareness.

Low compression tennis balls are used.

LEVEL 1 WED $ 5 - 7pm $ 10 & ABOVE Some basic shape of shot with easy ground strokes, still working on creating a decent hitting position for most shots, plays occasional matches, can regularly maintain a rally of 6 to 10 shots with a player of similar level.
SAT 10 - 12pm
LEVEL 2 WED $ 5 - 7pm $ 10 & ABOVE Can vary spin on ground strokes, can serve with chopper grip, usually balanced when hitting easy balls, has some volleying technique, plays some matches (usually friendly ones), has yet to develop the concentration needed to compete successfully.
SAT 10 - 12pm
LEVEL 3 WED $ 5 - 7pm $ 10 & ABOVE Has good defined shape of shot which is maintained in many pressure situations, can serve with chopper grip and some spin, is aware of different spins on all shots, can recover efficiently after hitting, is consistent in match play and is controlling level of unforced errors. Is competing occasionally.
SAT 10 - 12pm
ELITE SAT 2 - 4pm $ 10 & ABOVE Competitive junior who has a good grasp of the fundamental challenges in terms of technique, physical development, strategy and emotional control. Takes part in most tournament opportunities that are available and is passionate about becoming a better tennis player.
4 - 6pm

$: Applicable only during the Summer term.

Registration Form

Click on this link to download the Junior Registration Form. Then print it, complete your details and send it to Sunny.

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